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Oi! Mr. Chairman.


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Mr. Chairman.


How many season ticket holders from Watford, Luton, Spurs and Arsenal do you think attended either of the home games at Clarence Park so far?


My wild guess is 10. If the answer is 50/60, the following idea should be abandoned. I suspect that there are several hundred season ticket holders at those clubs actually resident in St. Albans.


Why not offer season ticket holders from those clubs entry to League games [NOT cup matches- who do they think we are?] at The Park at the discounted price of, say, £5 upon production of their ticket. If you contact the clubs as Chairman of League-leaders, The Mighty Saints etc., the offer might be printed in their matchday programme. Further publicity could be obtained in the local press and The Non-League Paper.


As usual, if this idea is adopted, I'll waive my intellectual property rights and my usual commision.


Howay the lads, and all that stuff.





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Another small thought as a post-script, Mr. C.


I imagine that the "Kids for a Quid" team are to be in action again this season, and good luck to them.


I wonder if any of our forthcoming opponents have a special relationship with their local schools, and if so, perhaps contact could be made with them in advance of their visit to Fortress Clarence Park. A similar Kids for a Quid deal could be offered, by post, of course, to boost numbers of away support.

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Funnily enough, this was a topic that was discussed in the bar after the Heybridge match. I'm thinking that it is too late to alter the entry rates for this season, but the general topic of the cost of getting in to Clarence Park has started to raise it's head again. Eight pounds may not sound like a lot of money, and compared to the twenty-five or thirty pounds that it costs to get into Spurs, Arsenal and so on it's peanuts, but I still strongly suspect that the cost is putting a lot of people off. If you have a couple of kids at a fiver a head, on the basis of having four home matches a month, you're looking at over seventy pounds per month just to get through the gates for the home matches only - without the inducements of pre and post match drinks, food, programmes, Knocky's goal card, ceremonial bibs and so on.


Put bluntly, I earn a reasonable, liveable wage and don't have a family that I bring with me, but I am still going to struggle to make it to every match this season. You don't have to talk to that many people who don't go to the Park before you start to realise that the cost (whether prohibitive or not) puts people off. Last season, of course, you could go into any pub in St Albans city centre and pick up a coaster that got you two tickets to a match at Watford (admittedly some of their less salubrious fixtures) for a tenner. If you were reasonably neutral, had a car and anything like a tight budget, which would you choose?


Now, so far as I'm aware, there is now a marketing guru at the Park. Time for some results from her, I think, or we could spend a whole season at the top of the league with just the three or four hundred regulars going. Now is an incredible opportunity for the club to bring more people through the gates - top of the league and playing the best football they have for years. It's time to capitalise on that and turn it into bums on seats, but this club has to realise it's place in football's food chain and base it's commercial decisions on that. If it does, evetually the current team will be playing to the size of crowd it deserves.

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Hi CZ.


Not just a thug - a plagiarist as well! I think it was mine originally. Anyway, I've waived my commission so we wont fall out about it.


Hi Trev.


Two quick points:


a]. I think that the subject of admission prices is closed for this season, save for jolly good ideas like what mine is/are.


b]. '..or we could spend a whole season at the top of the League with just three or four hundred regulars..'

The whole point is: We can't sustain a title challenge with those numbers.


Hi Woody.


See [a] above.

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