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Beauwaters Deal completed

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Main text of my email:


Just like to say well done for helping Gravesend & Northfleet FC.


I was one of the first to email you, criticising comments in the press. Now I feel it is only fair to thank you & congratulate you.


The future's bright, the future's red & white!


I also received a reply:




Thank you for your kind comments. As you will now guess I was working on this for sometime and at the time of the media miss-reporting so I am pleased that we are now able to tell people about the help we are and have been giving to the club.



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David Holden said:
Don't be silly <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/achso.gif" alt="" />

There is a serious point here. I do know that the last round of e-mails did have an effect, and with an important meeting coming up, it will do no harm at all if we show Cllr Burden that we appreciate it when he does something to help us.

So let's e-mail him on

john.burden@gravesham.gov.uk and give him the credit he deserves.

The more sceptical among us would think that the timing with a General and Council Elections coming up that he may be buttering up the electorate!
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GNFC FAN said:
The more sceptical among us would think that the timing with a General and Council Elections coming up that he may be buttering up the electorate!

Fair point, but this is hardly going to sway my opinion when choosing who to lend my vote to at the ballot box – especially when there are far more important issues such as our town being overrun with grubby immigrants, the NHS being a complete an utter joke, many parts of the country being unsafe to walk at night due to crime etc, unauthorised building by pikeys on green belt land blah blah blah…
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Aah, but the blame for Mr. Anonymous' last concern - "unauthorised building by pikeys on green belt land" - can be laid firmly at the Tories' door, since they were the ones who passed an act about 10 years ago removing local councils' obligation to provide suitable sites for travellers.

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Just do the decent thing and vote for neither.


And before anyone goes on about how you can't complain if you don't vote and refers to voter apathy, perhaps this supposed 'apathy' (i.e. around 41% of the eligible population not voting last time around) is a reflection of how people simply aren't satisfied with either major party.

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The decent thing?


Women died fighting to gain the vote.

Our soldiers died by the thousands protecting this country from Hitler.


So, to the contrary of your opinion, I think it should be made law that you have to vote - even if it means having a box that simply states 'none of the above'.

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oh and I am with you on the voting front. If people have lost faith in Labour and Conservative then why not vote Lib Dem or any other party. Its not like there are only two parties. And if enough of these people that have 'lost faith' did this then maybe a new party would get the chance.

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FleetFanatic said:
The decent thing?

Women died fighting to gain the vote.
Our soldiers died by the thousands protecting this country from Hitler.

So, to the contrary of your opinion, I think it should be made law that you have to vote - even if it means having a box that simply states 'none of the above'.

Whilst I agree with you that people have indeed endured great hardship to ensure democracy for future generations I don’t agree that voting should be compulsory.

The way I see it is that if people are concerned enough about the political state of the country and the failings of a government then they will make the effort to vote against them when the opportunity arises. Likewise if a person wanted to support the government then they would make the effort to vote for the Labour party in the hope of securing another term. I don’t think that the balance should be tipped by a few million voters who don’t care enough to turn up normally but have done so only to fulfil their legal obligation. People should have a democratic right to be able to choose whether or not to vote.
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FleetMan said:
oh and I am with you on the voting front. If people have lost faith in Labour and Conservative then why not vote Lib Dem or any other party. Its not like there are only two parties. And if enough of these people that have 'lost faith' did this then maybe a new party would get the chance.

I remember reading somewhere that many younger voters would be more likely to lend their votes to one of the numerous ‘non-mainstream’ political parties in this country at the moment, as opposed to their parents who are traditionally more likely to vote Conservative or Labour out of habit.
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jc said:
Aah, but the blame for Mr. Anonymous' last concern - "unauthorised building by pikeys on green belt land" - can be laid firmly at the Tories' door, since they were the ones who passed an act about 10 years ago removing local councils' obligation to provide suitable sites for travellers.

Whilst some of the blame lies with Michael Howard, ultimately the blame must be accepted by John Prescott whose push for a relaxed interpretation of planning applications when dealing with gypsies has lead to an increase in unauthorised encampments. This together with the Labour Parties enthusiasm for Europe and it’s keenness for this country to embrace the European Human Rights Laws in their entirety have further escalated the problem.
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It was the Conservative part of dartford council that put dartford's new ground through, it was labour who opposed it


Dartford council also has some excellant independent councillors, whom now hold more sway than ever before. Its amazing how that makes the other parties move. I wish that those independant Swanscombe councillors were under Graveshams control rather than Dartfords, I am sure that our ground scenario would get a fairer hearing if they were.


It was mentioned on here before, but a few independants on Gravesham council would make a heck of a difference to getting things our way.

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FleetFanatic said:So, to the contrary of your opinion, I think it should be made law that you have to vote - even if it means having a box that simply states 'none of the above'.

In fact, FF, I'd agree with you wholeheartedly on that. That way, disillusionment with the government would be put on record.

FleetMan said: If people have lost faith in Labour and Conservative then why not vote Lib Dem or any other party.

The trouble is, of course, that you don't always get candidates other than those from the three main parties in our constituency.
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