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What is it with you people??


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AmericanFLEETFANNo1 said: But the steward who told someone he couldn't walk through the away fans to the other side of the Ground should have showed common sense.......

Which is exactly what the original poster said, but still got grief for it.
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Superb, what the guy said wasn't racist if it was youcan be rest assured I'd have been the first to say so.


Meanwhile can I just ask the guy is that proven? Surely it isn't? For instance if a guy gets mugged and nobody catch's the mugger then that goes down as an undecided? If you can't catch him then you can't brand him into any perticuler "pool" shall we say. So it could be that white muggers are cleaverer then blak muggers because they don't get cought.


Another way of looking at it could be this. The police catch the white muggers but let them off the hook far mor easier then they would for the black muggers which would make the police force institutionally racist which is a whole other argument.


I have made a new agreement with myself not to answer anonymous posters that can't be bothered to type in their name, but this one seems to have an ounce of sense so I think I will.

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Then, maybe I should ask how many of the stewards in question in this thread ARE BLACK !


(And before you ask, NO - That is NOT a racist question !)

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gnfc superb said:

but saying most muggers are black now thats surely a bit racist


Take a deep breath. Walk away from your computer for five minutes and then come back to your screen, read my comments yet again, and point out where I made such a statement.


I'm not racist and didn't give a thought to the content of my original statement.


Racist means that a person discriminates against a person belonging to another racial group from himself simply because he is different – I wouldn’t dream of doing this.


Some years ago the Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police was forced to resign from his position due to pressure from various groups over a statement he made highlighting his findings that 80% of the people responsible for muggings in London happened to be black. A lot of people myself included don’t consider this to be racist but Sir Paul made the mistake of mentioning different racial groups.


Why the hell people have decided to pick on this flippant remark and become detracted from the original point in question is beyond me. I’ll think twice before I use the dreaded ‘B’ word in future, that’s for sure.

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gnfc superb said:
but saying most muggers are black now thats surely a bit racist

I see where your coming from mate but it is what the statistics show, but if you were to say to some black bloke "your a mugger, leave me alone" without him actually being convicted then that would be racist.

It's all about having a viable argument you can't go around saying that all black blokes are muggers (which is what the guy said in the first place, he said you couldn't say that) but going on facts and stats you can say what is proven.

Now I would just like to say that all my friends who are black, asian, eastern european, american, australian, eskimo and little green men form the planet Zurg are all very nice people and would not mug anyone.
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I do have sympathy for stewards as it is in the main a thankless task, most do a great job but we do have few that give them all a bad name but then again if you go to the away games you will find that most clubs do.


What does wind me up, is the closing of the home turnstiles fairly quickly after KO. I have myself had to make the trek to the away end on a few occasions. A far as I can tell as soon as the game kicks off all the stewards move to pitch view, therefore none look after the turnstiles or more importantly the only exit that the home fans have got, which is padlocked.

So yes it is an inconvenience to walk around to the away end, but in the circumstances of a real emergency there is no one on hand to unlock the gates to ensure a easy and quick exit. This is surely more of a concern.


therefore to kill two birds with one stone , why doesn't a steward continually monitor these gates and then they could walkie talkie the gate guy to come and let people in as neccessary.


Come on lads , its not difficult.

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80% of muggers are black.

80% of muggers are right handed.


Why is one statement worse than the other if they are both proved to be factually correct.

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gnfc superb said:
well if you insist you wernt bring racist.

help some one i think im joining the pc police !!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/busted.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/busted.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/busted.gif" alt="" />

Sorry mate ! Red is for the States.

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/police.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/police.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/police.gif" alt="" />

(Arrrr ! That's better !)

(Sorry ! Bein' flippant again !!) <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/whistling.gif" alt="" />
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. Whilst we are on the subject, I though I would take this chance to add that more black males are currently in correctional institutions such as prisons and young offender’s institutes than studying in universities. A sad indictment of our judicial system or evidence that on average black people are less intelligent than other racial groups?

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Anonymous said:
. Whilst we are on the subject, I though I would take this chance to add that more black males are currently in correctional institutions such as prisons and young offender’s institutes than studying in universities. A sad indictment of our judicial system or evidence that on average black people are less intelligent than other racial groups?

It's true. And before any says well it's their own fault, no it isn't the system has let them down.
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Slartibartfast said:
Anonymous said:
80% of muggers are black.
80% of muggers are right handed.

Why is one statement worse than the other if they are both proved to be factually correct.

Now you are being rightist.......bigot.

Boooooo you rightist lefty, what have you got against us just because we use our right (correct) hand you think you can intimidate us?
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