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That's it

Barry Scott

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There has been no communication with the fans since the polish club meeting on the 6th August 2004 - and at that meeting regular updates were promised - but what do we get f-all!


The fans are doing their bit by suppoting the club and communicating on this fourum but its all one way traffic


A simple message from Martyn or the club, as KOC said of no news at present would be a start!

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There has been no communication with the fans since the polish club meeting on the 6th August 2005

You can see into the future now, what are Saturday's winning numbers???
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Yes very true ....


But the way Roy Merryweather is trying to say, until their is any news , carry on enjoying the football...


He I think is as frustrated to, however he needs to ensure we carry on as normal as we can...keeping the supporters and players, away from club politics.


The lack of information is frustrating and promises have not been kept as far as another meeting with MD, but the promise of a good team and fantastic season so far has been kept....


cheers Chris s.

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Chris, speaking personally here, how can I go on enjoying the football when I know come the end of the year, we might not even have the rent paid for 05/06 season at Windsor? And who knows what happens after that? We can't keep on simply reacting to things once they've happened even though we've seen it coming for months or even years before. That's been our downfall in recent years, and it seems will continue to be.


Can the Trust not come up with an action plan for supporters in ways that they can help? Ways that their money is being used wisely? From the responses on this thread and others today, it still appears there is a lot of negativity surrounding the Trust, joining it, and donating to it something which I believe is reflected in the poor membership numbers. If the Trust are serious about moving forwards, I think there are a lot of issues which need to be addressed and actioned, otherwise it sits there and becomes stagnant, more so than it is now.

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Radders, too many things that I ain't going to bother listing here as they vary from personal reasons to a multitude of others. I just have the feeling that nothing is being done and while all this talking is nice, nothing has been done and even if stuff has been done it has not been communicated to the paying customers i.e. the fans. If I'm going to be treated as some sort of money pit then I'll spend my money on booze and hookers



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Slightly bemused by all this.


A boycott is not the most constructive way to help the club.


MD called an open meeting (which was NOT a trust meeting) and received overwhelming support from those in attendance to carry on funding the club for this year and to begin looking for a site. He promised regular updates. Everyone at that meeting must have known what MD is like so I don't know why people are acting all surprised now at his silence.


The Trust has tried to contact MD on behalf of the members. Perhaps there is simply no news. Not a good thing obviously. But without MD we would not be playing this level of football and we would not have had all the fantastic highs of this season.


It appears that the expectations of the fans on the trust are to investigate and source new sites, negotiate with the club, the council and any other random body, raise enough funds to build a ground and fund a Conference standard side. Get real.

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It's only a one man boycott and would strongly suggest that no-one else follows suit unless they well and truly get hacked off.


Well exactly what are the trust doing then? You have meetings every Thursday but shouldn't the minutes of the be published somewhere?

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Tell me who you are and I might answer you - are you even a member? The meetings are not every Thursday. They tend to be monthly.

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It appears that the expectations of the fans on the trust are to investigate and source new sites, negotiate with the club, the council and any other random body, raise enough funds to build a ground and fund a Conference standard side. Get real.

I'm not sure that's most people's views, Martin. When we campaigned outside the Town Hall for the last two years the general concensus was that our mistake was to have let the previous five years drift by without having acted. As Gary suggests we're now in danger of letting the three-year period disappear as well without at least putting something in place and being in a position where we can proactive rather than reactive.

All Slough fans share responsibility for this, not just the Trust, or STSA before them, as I've always said that nobody has a monopoly on good ideas. I'm also slightly surprised and disappointed at the scepticism towards the Trust. If people realised the efforts that many Trust members put in they would realise that it is all for the good of the Club.

Obviously we're trying to raise as many funds as possible for the Trust and you, I and four others will certainly be doing our bit in that respect in April. I just share the general frustration that seems to be evident that we are not in control of our destiny and maybe, and I don't know how, we should try and put in place as many contingency plans as possible.
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Speaking personally, I think what people need to face up to is the fact that the Trust is not strong enough financially to support any decent level of football. If the worst was to happen the club would reform at a lower level and I doubt that would take much organising. It is certainly not something I would want to contemplate at this stage. At this moment all we can do is raise funds and support our parent club as much as we can. That is what we do. If the members are not happy they should put themselves forward and get elected to the board.

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Ok then King - the Trust Board helps to raise funds by organising events such as the Fun day, the Race Night and the Christmas Draw. Through helping obtain sponsorship of match balls, matches and hoardings. Supporting the walkers. Attending various meetings where we are ignored by the council. Putting a hell of a lot of effort in to get matches such as Walsall and Yeading staged.

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Its not the trust that I am questioning, it is the Formal side of the Club which has been silent.


I am aware the Trust has no input into the running of the club day to day, but represents the supporters intrest for the club to survive.


We are talking about survival now and every year we do not have a ground the less income we get and have to rely on Martyns generosity.


Martyn made it clear that he will not be around forever last August - but since then there has been no other messages from the club or Martyn about the future - even if Martyn is still involved with the club?


As Ian states we are nearly 7 years into Martyns support but we are no father forward - and currently going backwards as per a ground.


The frustration is that this season has seen us have massive sucsess on the field and one of the strongest teams. However the players will not stay put if the situation with the club continues and we will see players like Haddow getting picked up by clubs who have a secure future.

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I can't criticise KOC too much cos over the past 25 + years i've had bouts when i've thought sod this - i've got better things to do with my life, but i always come back to the Rebels.

I can understand Mr.Craps frustration, but frankly being a football fan is bloody frustrating a lot of the time - as i said in my programme notes a few weeks back, just look at Exeter City to see why we should support the Trust. Both them and York looked dead and buried a while back and its easy for people to walk away and say that's enough, but now more than ever we need as many fans as possible to stick with it, especially those like Crap who do home and away.

Being in Brighton i'm at a bit of a loss for which way to proceed but the minimum we can do is to

keep fundraising, keep cheering the team on to do well, which helps keep the pressure on the council.

I think the Trust should publish their meeting minutes on the web and put more stuff in the programme, but I also understand that it is run by volunteers who already put a lot of work into the club.

See everyone tomorrow!

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Tell me how we move on ? how do we get the money to run the football club (say if we had too ?)

MD does this at the moment ....yes in fits and starts but he does do it..


We can't even get people to attend fund raising nights except for the dedicated ones ! our small fan base can only do certain things, we have 103 members in the trust..we don't have to keep telling them its for the sake of the club ...they know and support the members on the trust,if we fail to do what our members want, then stand to improve the situation.


The one thing MD said at the August meeting is that supporters will be called onto raising money as we will have to gap the short falls...and he will not be around all the time...


Well have we raised enough money to carry everything on ...NO ! we have done a little but not enough...but as I stated is so hard with just 103 members.... and a club with no home or other income from other than just matches.


Yes we need answers.....but how do you surpose we get them if MD will not respond ????


and all this unrest makes him walk away even quicker...


as Ian stated it is a resonsiblity of all, if you can help then step forward....


cheers chris S.

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