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Shame on you Radio Kent


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Coming back home we heard Radio Kent (as others might) hounding chris for info as to his future employment. Chris handled himself with great restraint in my view and without implying anything either way stood by the club and fans even when under extreme and I repeat EXTREME badgering by the interviewers. I though it was shameful the way they kept on and on and on at him. They were clearly trying to put words into his mouth and I found it incredibly annoying to say the least. (You could here the interviewer saying softly that she was herself being made to look for an outright answer by someone prompting her in the background)

Then they interviewed the Gravesend chap(forget who,possibly chairman!). They also kept on and on at him also for something concrete but he to acted in a professional manner. In the end Radio Kent got NOTHING.

Whilst I have lots of time for the radio station and who have in the past been very supportive of the club cannot condone interviews of such nature.

They were BULLYING interviews and did their credit no good whatsoever. They had their answers but wouldnt leave it, they just had to keep on at them. They got nothing and I shall be e.mailing them with my personal words of condemnation for the attitude and approach at these 2 interviews. I appreciate who they are and what they are and what do but these kind of tactics shouldnt be tolerated. Think they went a bit too far today! In my opinion!

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[sarcasm]I'm sure that having heard of your displeasure with them the radio station will change their interview methods accordingly, another coup for the big leader[/sarcasm]

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its a shame cookie but that is how the media does its buisness, it has done it this way for a long time and i doubt it is gonna change. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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Is someone we know people but who darent dare to show his face or give his usual post name in this instance. Easy isnt it. No I.D. ! Just a sheer coward. Do you all notice how he/she always follows and insults or SARCASTICALLY only replies to MY postings. Think this person has a personal problem with ME,

and not the contents of my posts.

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It is absolutely appalling to put Chris on the spot like that, especially after what happened with the fans at the match today. For goodness sake there was a reporter at the match today, and thirteen men gave a fantastic footballing performance, and that was hardly mentioned. It is insulting to the players not to give them credit for their wonderful win, let alone harass our manager when he has made it quite plain he does not want to comment.

He would not be human if he had not considered his position with us, given the difficulties we have struggled under for so long. But I think he should be left in peace all the while the issue over the ground is still live. I still believe that if we survive, he will be there to manage us. If we don't, I wish him all the success whatever follows, and will never forget what he has done for us.

And Mr brackets sarcasm anonymous is a complete and utter pillock.

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Radio kent are behaving badly, i have allways respected there views. But hastle'ing CK and Gravesend chairman is disrespectful. If it all go's tit's up i'll be the first to thank CK, and all the players that have played under him. If he goes to G.E. because of our situation good luck to them. p.s Sandy i see the floodlights are going up in the PUBLIC park for the rugby. Two names Thorley, Godden how does that grab your pocket.

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I remember Radio kent doing the same thing last year with the D&R job CK got so fed up with them that at one point he refused to give an after match interview.


Radio kent said ..."MAKE OF THAT WHAT YOU WILL"


So i did CK doesn't want words put in his mouth!!


In reply to mr anon the work and home radio have now been re-tuned to a different radio station.

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