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Kinnear Day Saturday at homelands


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Further to the idea from TONY M, how about we all mass on the pitch either side of tunnel where the team come out tomorrow to give CK that raptuous applause. We talked about this on another post but lets do it. Just before the players come outgather and applaud the teams as they go onto the pitch through the middle of us(making sure their way isnt blocked) Then when Chris (and Kevin & John who also have been loyal and hardworking)come out applaud like we have never applauded before. Am trying to contact a steward to get this o.kd. Should only be a minute or two and as others and TONY M have said, show him, show the people, show the council, show those at the "fleet" and elswhere just what we think and feel for a manager who has gone through hell WITH us and showed his loyalty throughout. Maybe this will be the spur he needs to remain. If things dont work out for us then am sure we would all understand if he moved on but not lets go there. Lets give him our biggest applause tomorrow.


Has anyone out there got a big banner with something about how we feel for CK on it or just WE LOVE YOU CK or something to that affect to show him when he walks out as the first thing he sees followed by our appreciation.


What does everyone think? Should we do it? can someone knock up a quick banner?


Anyone disagree.Anyone got that banner? (sorry I havent got the materials else I would have done one)


What does everyone think? Should we do it? can someone knock up a quick banner?


This is again TONY Ms idea but I think its a MUST idea. And a great one. Thanks Tone!

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Tony trying to ignore the last post from that anon,monkey crap.YES lets do just that,try to contact MF,Im sure June could help in the banner but lets all try to do one if poss.Have to asks Bodyform if it is ok,hope so it would be nice,perhaps Peter W could be there to take some picts.

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Hi Tony. Anon reminds me of someone who seems a bit jealous,who comes on here occasionally with a name, then hides when he has something nasty to say,and then comes on as an annon to hide his real identity.. I am right aren't I annon? You know what I'm saying is true. If you are desperate to be in the limelight, something I have been trying recently NOT to be then DO something about it instead of slagging me off and anyone else who wishes to do something positive for the club.You cant expect to be known if you avoid giving your name,so its your own choice not to be recognised.You are just a coward and deserve to be ignored. Couldnt really see YOU do anything anyway because you are weak.

There actually are some annon postees who actually DO and SAY things good for the club but you my sir are giving those people a bad name in your attitude and jealousy.

If we get through against the council it will be because the directors,management,developers have worked tirelessly to get there, the council, yes the council will have seen sense and the fans ALL of them,I repeat ALL of them will and should have everyones individual names put on a plaque because we ALL have done our bit. Whoever desides to do things, the end result if successful will be a team effort by EVERYONE and no one person will deserve accolades above others. Churchill didnt win the war it was the people out there fighting that did that. If you have a problem with me personnally then P.M. me and we can chat about it but if you are a true fan then you should be pleased that ANYONE is doing SOMETHING. Even little ordinary me!

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Peters got one June but any others will go down well too I am sure. So dont bust a gut.You get on with the housework honey if you dont have the time.

Nice letters by the way from ZUCHOV & yourself in local.Just wish those that hold our future in their hands would actually read those letters.

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