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Harry J Allstars is an anagram of ( <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> language Timothy <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" />) hasn't a clue what he's on about far too young and spotty to remember SKA. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bootyshake.gif" alt="" />

Anyway I don't think you understand anagrams mate. You see what you do is you take the letters from one word or phrase and rearrange them to make another word or phrase.

So "Harry J Allstars" Could be "Jarrah Sly Rats" Unfortunaly I have on "L" left over. If anyone else cn come up with a better phrase or find what else I can do with the spare "L" (Don't say it, dont even go there) then I would like to hear it.
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Cheers John....


I am a sad old ageing Rocker....but that's life !!


After my earlier post ( at 9.01 )...went into Deep Purple mode, having just aquired the 25th anniversary edition of the Fireball album

...albeit a few years late !!


Hope you enjoyed your beers !!






<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/elephant.gif" alt="" />

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So "Harry J Allstars" Could be "Jarrah Sly Rats" Unfortunaly I have on "L" left over. If anyone else cn come up with a better phrase or find what else I can do with the spare "L" (Don't say it, dont even go there) then I would like to hear it.

All jar ashtrays

Well done that man.

So there you go you stupid anonymous smurf, if you really wanted to offend me you would call me a "All Jar Ashtray"

Now then palindromes work in a different way. It still uses the same letters but in reverse so "Harry J Allstars" would become "Sratslla J Yrrah," meanwhile "Histon" would become "Notsih" and the word I would use to describe you would be "Tarp." <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/excited.gif" alt="" />
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Now then palindromes work in a different way. It still uses the same letters but in reverse so "Harry J Allstars" would become "Sratslla J Yrrah," meanwhile "Histon" would become "Notsih" and the word I would use to describe you would be "Tarp."


I take it you failed GCSE English then!


A Plaindrome spells the same either forwards of backwards, such as "Able was I ere I saw Elba", it isn't simply writing a phrase backwards.

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Now then palindromes work in a different way. It still uses the same letters but in reverse so "Harry J Allstars" would become "Sratslla J Yrrah," meanwhile "Histon" would become "Notsih" and the word I would use to describe you would be "Tarp."

I take it you failed GCSE English then!

A Plaindrome spells the same either forwards of backwards, such as "Able was I ere I saw Elba", it isn't simply writing a phrase backwards.

Well done David you spotted my mistake that was a test and now all I have to do is find the prize that you've won.

Ironically you David spelt Palindrone wrong.

I remember it made big news when the date was a palindrone 20/02/2002.

Also I didn't fail GCSE English, I failed GCSE maths because I couldn't be bothered to turn up to one of the exams.
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