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Chris Kinnear on the BBC Sport website.


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I did wonder, but I read some of the forum discussions on the interviews and saw that the BBC had come to a very different conclusion than most of the folk there.


Still, you couldn't blame the guy for having it away on his toes - two and a half years of faffing with still no guarantees of anything would be enough to give anyone itchy feet!

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He says the Gravesend job is not on his mind at the moment but we know it must be. However dont think he will desert us at this time of the proceedings.

He has come too far and stuck with it for this amount of time not to see it through to the end whichever way it goes,surely.

If the FLEET were really considering him for the job I would imagine they will not appoint for a couple of weeks yet just to see how things pan out. Lets hope we get good news, CK stays, and takes us back up to where we belong and rightfully should be, into the conference national.

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One of the best examples of spin I've seen since the meglomaniac Blair came to power!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/affig.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/pink_md_wht.gif" alt="" />

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Either way, Chris can't lose can he.


If we do not get the ground, well no-one will question Ck's loyalty thru' the tough times, and all would be sad, but wish him well.


If we get the ground, CK could still leave with honour on basis that he has seen us thru', stuck by, but now leaves to allow someone new to take on the fantastic opportunity at MFC.


I really hope CK stays whatever happens, but either way, he has a chance to leave with his `head held high

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I have said this all along,if the ground gets the go ahead CK will stay if not he will go who can blame him.I just hope the council read this forum and see what a mess they are making if they dont let the Stadium get built,if they put us down into the Kent league how many people out there will turn up at the games,not a lot IMO,let the council give us the go ahead and MFC will be under CK the best thing that Margate has ever had.

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