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Victor Gladwish doesn't sponsor foreigners!!!!!!!

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What do you mean Victors job isn’t to make political statements? Welcome to democracy pal where everyone is entitled to make political statements if they want to, if you don’t like it I can recommend North Korea, China or Soviet Russia. Victors’ isn’t obliged to give any team any money if he doesn’t think they deserve it, and if he wants to get political about it what’s wrong with that?

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True, he's free to speak, but he's also free to get in the neck when his political statements are in fact historical nonsense.


As the poster above said, while he can spew forth on politics all he wants, it does seem a little sad and miserly to take out his dissatisfaction with Welsh nationalism on a poor little football team that just want some shirts.


Bit like me refusing to buy a copy of the Big Issue and taking it out on the seller, saying that all homeless people are on drugs and are too lazy to work.

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Wales and their half-hearted Welsh assembly are like someone’s child wanting to leave home only to keep pestering their parents every day for pocket money once they’ve gone. They’ve made there bed and all that….


Of course Wales is British, and I’m sure Victor Gladwish knows that as much as anyone. He’s just sticking two fingers up at all this devolution nonsense.


Care to elaborate more on historical nonsense?

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Care to elaborate more on historical nonsense?

"Thousands of soldiers died unifying the countries. We do not sell land in Wales. You have Welsh on your Land Registry documents and as an ex-soldier I object."

Er... no they didn't die unifying countries. Thousands of English and Welsh soldiers died in the 13th century when England annexed Wales on behalf of Edward I. Why would Victor have a problem as an ex-soldier with something that didn't happen the way he said it did in the 1200s?

And the argument wasn't about devolution or Welsh nationalism or whatever. As said, it was a request from a footy team for some kits. Old Victor could've just said no, sorry. As Fleetbabe said, it is funny. But it's also rather inane (in my opinon, but no doubt not in yours - fair enough).
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Not being funny Stu M, but we don't really know why Victor made the comments he did so it's not for us to see whether he was arguing about devolution or Welsh nationalism - only Victor knows that one.


The Welsh have a lot to thank Edward 'Longshanks' for...

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What I want to know is, where has everyone's sense of humour gone? It was a bloody funny story and I laughed out loud when reading it but, of course, the PC Brigade who have their heads permanently stuffed up their backsides say we can't say this or say that in case some distant relative of an Aztec chieftan is offended or something equally ridiculous. For christ's sake, lighten up! And don't forget, Robbie Savage is Welsh so, in my book, they deserve everything they get!

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Err yeah, hang on a sec. London does have its own assembleY, exactly like Wales. I wouln't dare make a comment about their native language of course! I think going by Mr Gladwish's BNP fuelled logic London should be cut off...can't wait to see how he gets Wales kicked out of FIFA and UEFA though. This blokes comedy skills are almost good as his rascism!

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Mr Gladwish's BNP fuelled...blah, blah, blah..

Eh? What you on about?

Could you just remind me what the letters BNP stand for?

I was always under the impression that they meant British National Party; surely their view would be the opposite of Victor Gladwish’s opinions.
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Mr Gladwish's BNP fuelled...blah, blah, blah..

I was always under the impression that they meant British National Party; surely their view would be the opposite of Victor Gladwish’s opinions.
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The BNP encourage wealthy English businessmen to invest in Wales? Must have missed that in their last election campaign!


Lets not pretend the BNP would not like to see Wales cut off from England which seems to be very similar to Gladwish's view...

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Tell me what drugs are you on today?


The Chairman of the BNP is someone by the name of Nick Griffin, who just happens to be Welsh, and for the record the Deputy Chairman is Scott McLean who surprisingly is Scottish.


Have a day off son.

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