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Unregistered and Anonymous Posters


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Can I have a show of hands in light of the recent upsurge of these posters?

Is it just me or are these cutting, negative remarks getting on anyone else's nerves as well?

It seems to be getting a bit personal to some people and after reading the weekends posts (I don't do computers at the weekend!) after admittedly, a bad performance on Saturday, it has not put me in the best of moods for the start of this week.

That's it. Rant over!

<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

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Yeah, irritates me too. Being new(ish) here, can I ask what that thing was all about the other day? There was that anonymous poster who kept asking about the club then he started some thread saying "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this." then introduced himself as some group...? I think. Hope that wasn't too vague...

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Whilst its unfortunate that it has taken a slump in form to encourage more posters and views on this forum.

Its got to be better than the old boys club, that usually persists.


yes some people post [censored], and you have to sort the wheat from the chaff, but in general its got to be healthy for Fleet fans to be able to say what they like . ( As long as it is not libelous, slanderous or offensive)


Up the Fleet.. Personally my only wish is that rather than use anonymous they could think of a witty moniker.

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I was thinking the same about all these anon posters and there doing my head in. First we have that guy that want's to start up a supporters group and now we have some bloke trying to rally us together and go against Scally plan. Both of which can be good for the club but I can't see why this guy doesn't register. I'm sure its the same person. Can you mods confirm this or aren't you allowed?


I seem to remember FF confirmed that some bloke had post twice and was sort of replying to himself maybe trying to rally people together and against the club.

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  • 1 month later...
chilled out entertainer said:
cant be listed on confguide then i think i have read on here before.

However, if you're logged in on confguide you can choose whether to view all Conference club forum links or just those that do not require registration.
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GNFC FAN said:
There is a very simple solution to this. Change the site so that if you don’t register, you can’t post! Many of the other forums I have used follow this policy so why not this one?

Haven't we been here before? The general consensus has been that it is unfair to not allow for Anons to post their feelings.
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  • 2 weeks later...
gnfc_boy said:
Why don't we do another sensus then?? As people have been complainin again maybe more people will have changed thier mind?

Plus we wont get people sayin there t.islam postin sh!te

Consensus = summary of opinion.
Census (the correct spelling) = a population count, that only applies if you don't have 13 people per each room in your house & don't need to hide the fact. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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