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State of the pitch


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Why is our pitch in such a poor state this season?

Last season it was excellent. Any chance of putting a roller on it before a game, it nearly cost us a goal on Saturday. You can't blame Wilkerson for his mis-kick, it was down to the pitch, but the language and stick directed at him by some of the crowd was an absolute disgrace.

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A point, has certainly got worse, seems to be cutting up really easy. We'll have to monitor the situation over the next couple of weeks. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shocked2.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shocked2.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shocked2.gif" alt="" />

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Dartford, Charlton Ladies plus training on it isn't doing it any good.

One day the bobbling in the area will cost us a goal.

I think the groundsman does a good job, but with the sheer amount of use the pitch gets his job must be getting harder and harder every week.

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I think that the wet summer followed by a wet autumn and (so far) wet winter must have had an effect. Certainly, Wilko's miskick early in the first half was the result of the ball bobbling off a divot.


Incidentally, the man behind the goal giving Wilko stick was an Eastbourne supporter. I didnt agree with his comments but had to admire his stamina - he never seemed stop long enough to draw breath!

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The amount of games getting played on the pitch cannnot be helping but I know it brings in extra revenue. Myself and my 2 friends had a discussion about the pitch on Saturday and felt it was cut too short. Admittedly the groundsman has a hard task but I believe he is doing a sterling job. The pitch we have today is still alot better than the pitch we had a few years ago, so be thankful for something!!!!!!

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I still miss being able to watch Farnborough players moaning for 90 minutes about a bit of frost on one side being responsible for them losing.




One of my mates was playing for Boro in that game, and to this day he is still whinging that the game shouldn't have been played.


its always good for a wind up

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