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In The Bleak Mid-Winter


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It's the middle of winter here now: snow down south, sun up north, and here in the city, well it's grey and drab (bit like an English October). During the winter months, a mist called the garua hangs over Lima, cloaking the city in an unforgiving, miserable grey. The sun rarely gets a look in, and blue skies; forget it.


The young people who spend the summer months on the beaches, spend their winters in Lima going to discos and local bars. It was at a disco, a week Saturday ago that disaster struck. The Disco 'Utopia' in Lima's Jockey Plaza (Peruvian equivalent of Bluewater) was hosting a theme disco called 'Zoo'. Among the animals there were a lion and tiger. 1200 young people had squeezed into a disco (which was built for 400). Apparently at discos these days, performers occasionally play with fire, as a bloke did here. But the flame he created, quickly went out of control, rising and engulfing the ceiling where it spread rapidly. Toxic fumes from burning plastics then swept the disco (the air vents were blocked with metal bars and concrete). The dancers had initially thought the out of control flame was part of the act, so did not react immediently, and when they did, there was a stampede. Some thought the lion and tiger (which both died) had escaped from their cages and sought the safety of the toilets, where the toxin flames overwhelmed them. 30 people died and 50 more were injured. Not only did the disco not meet any safety regulations, but it did not have a licence to function. Indeed, in the bleak mid-winter.


One of my Scottish colleagues left town last week, but before he went he retold a story that when he first arrived to Peru some 3-4 years ago, he was feeling unwell and was recommended an eminent Peruvian doctor to see for a check-up. The doctor checked his throat, made him cough, felt his balls (which for a few unsuspecting seconds at the time he could not fathom) and charged him $100 for the privilege. This doctor is now the Prime Minister (the Peruvian Tony Blair) of Peru. And we wonder just who else he's had (or has) by the balls to get to that position.


Excellent website, Dave. It's looks like I'm gonna miss another great season, but your website will help to nurish those Fleet gravings, which I'm going to be getting each Saturday soon. Good luck to you all.



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