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Today & Tomorrow


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Right,I havejust got back from the Clubhouse.

Media all over the place.

No statement made except for a very quick reply from the club,to the media and those that were there.

The meeting this afternoon lasted longer than anticipated and without giving you false hope, must be a good sign. The council have agreed for the club to put forward a further proposal and that tomorrow the council will look at it and come to a decision.

I went there thinking this was the end but it isn't YET!

We have a further 18 hours or so to hand in this new proposal and it will be looked at at the cabinet meeting tomorrow afternoon/early evening.

So we are still fighting, and tomorrow we have a mass demonstration at 4-30 p.m. at the counci offices. The cabinet meeting is scheduled for 5-30.p.m.

I cannot emphasise this next bit enough. The demonstration tomorrow MUST BE A PEACEFUL ONE or we may lose the one hope will still now have. Its not a rosy situation but the end of our club has not yet been thrust on us.I will not say we will win through but its a small hope we never thought we would get.

Details of that proposal arent known.

The club will then make another statement,probably after that council meeting.

May be before, but we will have to see about that.

If this is our last hope then please please go to the demo, express your feelings by all means, sing songs, bring your placards.Lots of them. Bring all your football scarves and hats. Do everything tomorrow night to show them at the council that we are still there fighting. Still as one. Still passionate about our club. But again I say to you. If this demo turns out ugly then that really will be the end of it all, We must behave but at the same time get our message across.


Come along,bring your wives,and friends. All those that are diallusioned with the council for their handling of this and of the isle of thanet. Come along and sing with us, hold hands, stand up sit down and more. BUT PLEASE PLEASE DONT LET THE SIDE DOWN AND LOSE IT. A CIVILISED DEMO.

Dont lets give the coucil a further reason to kick us out.

While we have that very slim chance we must hold on to it and keep hoping.

See you all tomorrow.

Press and media will be there too and I am sure the police will be watching the situation closely.

Keep those built up frustrations to yourselves and protest peacefully, PLEASE.

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Well said, Cookie, I was there too. All the club officials were adamant that these are delicate negotiations, and we must not, by any show of inappropriate behaviour, damage our chance of a successful result.

All of us posting on here are sensible people, so let's give Cookie a hand and do our bit to police the demo, and have a word in the shell-like of any one who appears to be on the point of going OTT.

This is our chance to help, and it would be a sour thing indeed if we blew the last chance available to us.



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Cookie your absolutely right,I witnessed what went on at the club house tonight.The demo will help to show the council just how much we care about our club,But,it has to be without anger,this is of paramoumt importance,this does not just come from me,Keith Piper,Chris Kinnear,Gordon Wallis,Colin Page and Gary Leaver all ask the same from the people who turn up PLEASE no trouble,this is our last chance.

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Can someone with computer skills somehow get the 'petition'(well done and thanks Cookie for organising and as Frankie suggests, i also think you should be next chairman of British Rail)on www.confsouth.co.uk onto the councillors and TDC site,explaining there is national interest and enthusiasm /support here

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What on earth can have been said at this late stage to change the councils mind? What "new" proposal have we come up with that we'd not put forward before?


I've never been one for this Council Conspiracy Theory. Might be something in it but I can't only see incompetence at every turn.


Here we are at the eleventh hour and TDC hold ALL the cards.


I hope I'm wrong but I think hope is all we have left!

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What evidence is there of them back pedalling? Any last minute deal will simply have to be on their terms. They hold all the cards.


I just want too know what this life line we all appear to be clinging to is!


Do we really believe that after all this time the council are going to say "oh dear, what an error of judgement we've made! You carry on KP, build whatever sort of ground you like. Oh and here half a million to get going"



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It's called negotiating, and a lot of people actually resolve issues with it!

If we play the game of who has the biggest willie nothing will get solved.

If it is a case of two sides with differing views finding a middle ground they can agree on and it saves our club then what the hell, why not?

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You never ever know.We have to try anything and everything at this stage.Maybe nothing will change their minds but we have to try. Its also called desperation. Am sure its not beyond them to see their mistake. They will get much more respect than they already DONT have at present if they realised their mistake.

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Has there not been enough time for negotiations? Years in fact. If this is brinksmanship on behalf of the club, and it works, then the people concerned should get jobs with the United Nations.


As for who’s got the biggest willy I’ve no idea..........but TDC would appear to have us by the NUTS!

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Dear cookie and all i've got Ofsted at the moment and can not get there for 4-3o 0r even 5. What time will you guys be standing outside till please cos i could drive down from bexley but would like to find some people around when i get there. say 6 at the latest. well done all. come on you blues <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Yeah well said! That should save us!


Can somebody please tell me what on earth they think has changed during the course of the last 5 or so hours thatis going to make a difference?

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You keep asking the same question.....the fact it it does not really matter what has been said because you can be damn sure the fans won't be told.


I want to know as much as you..... but in the end all I really care about is that something is said/agreed/thrashed out that saves MFC and pulls us back from the brink.

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Graeme, I want exactly the same as you and every other "TRUE" MFC supporter.


The only reason I keep asking the same question is because no one has even attempted an answer! And maybe thats because, as you rightly say, no one knows, or is likely to have any idea.


But if I'm boring everyone with my quest for information I'll stop posting

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