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Question for Fleetbabe or Robert Stevenson


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I think most teams in the Conference and above would snap him up.

Can't really agree with you totally on that point - but as you say, he was excellent at Forest Green. It's a shame he can't produce that kind of performance on a more consistent basis, but then that applies to a number of our players at the moment.
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We lost today. All Barnet's goals came from play down the right hand side - our left side. Do the stats lie?

No - another awful performance from a certain player, although I thought that most of the team capitulated when Barnet made it 1-1.

Bizarre substitution from Andy today, which smacked of blatant desperation. I'm sure Brentford will be overjoyed to hear that we brought their player on as a sub for 20 minutes, only to substitute him again when he had done nothing wrong?

Tick tock ..... & the alarm bells are ringing.

Remember Southport.

Awful performance from a certain player?? Why do talk such crap? Two out of the last three or four games he's gained the highest ratings of both sides Carlisle and Farnborough. Saturday I thought he played well enough first half, second half as usual it was all down the right side of the pitch, why bother to play someone on the left if you aren't going to use the whole pitch. It was the same against Farnborough, all on the right. With backing like yours why the hell would our most talented player want to play for a club like this. Suppose you also disagree with my opinions of Moore. Well I thought he was first class, and should keep his place. Pathetic Fleet Fanatic
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Another point to make, why do people spend £10 if all they are going to do is criticise the players that they are supposed to be supporting.

The whole team needed support on saturday, especially with Liam Hatch winding them up (he called skins name at a free kick to try and confuse matters).

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People like the so called FF are not true supporters. Over the past few games, not my words but some of the reports I've been reading lately have described him as tireless, inspirational,

and playing like a trooper. So Fleet Fanatic if you can't get behind a player when he's not at the top of his game, and remember you've got to get the ball to play, then for Christ sake belt up.

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Back to name-calling Robert?


Not a true supporter???



You being a complete w***er???



You see Robert, the forum is all about debate & differences of opinion.

You disagree with somebody and resort to name-calling.


If that's how you want it then we can all come down to your level.


All I see from Drury, game after game, are passes straight to the opposition & ball hogging. How we supposed to win games with performances like that from a player you regard as a star player?


Now answer sensibly without the name calling or sod off, you retard.

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Another point to make, why do people spend £10 if all they are going to do is criticise the players that they are supposed to be supporting.

Because they enjoy it, I suppose. I'm convinced that about 50 people at every home game we play actually like to see us do badly so they can have a good moan.

And while I feel FF's a little harsh on Jukebox at times, Jukebox also isn't quite as brilliant as others make out either. That's not to say he hasn't got potential - it's just that the results are frustratingly variable at times.
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Agreed, some of the abuse is justified, some isn't but the constant making him out to be some sort of "non league Pele" is wide of the mark. Having seen all of his performances this year he needs more consistencty, maybe he needs more of the ball but players won't give it to him if he keeps giving it away.


As for Hatch, if we don't know how to play against him then who is?

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Sorry FF, but don't you read the reporter, or look at any of the match ratings? I think that you'll find that on Gravesend and Northfleet mad, Drury has been scoring 7's and 8's in the ratings, where as other players have only scored 5's and 6's.


I think that a majority of the supporters see Jukebox as an asset rather than as a hindrance, and he plays well every week. As I've said before, he's not the only one to give the ball away, and he's also not the only one who trys to showboat.


I say, if you've got the skills, use 'em. whats the point in having them if you can't use them against the opposition, and take them by surprise, as if you do you get taken to the cleaners for doing it.


Personally, I think that the talent that he has will take him a long way in football, and we need to support him rather than criticise otherwise we could end up losing a bright young talent. I'm not saying he's the best player we've ever had, but he's got the potential to be a star of the future, possibly even in the professional game.


RANT OVER, better get on with my IT coursework and sorting props for the Upper 6th Pantomime!!!!!

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Nice to see the Andy Drury fanclub (membership = 2) out in force.


Go through all the old threads and you'll read how I thought he had potential. He isn't fulfilling that potential. If you build a player up above what he really is then you have to expect others to knock him down again when he doesn't perform to that potential.


If you've got the skills then use them? I wish he would.

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Sorry FF, but don't you read the reporter, or look at any of the match ratings? I think that you'll find that on Gravesend and Northfleet mad, Drury has been scoring 7's and 8's in the ratings, where as other players have only scored 5's and 6's.

From what I've seen of NLP ratings over the last couple of years, I wouldn't consider them strong statistical evidence.

Go through all the old threads and you'll read how I thought he had potential. He isn't fulfilling that potential. If you build a player up above what he really is then you have to expect others to knock him down again when he doesn't perform to that potential.

Point taken, FF, but I'm sure you'd agree that those who victimize him after his every touch of the ball are out of order.

EDIT: Oops, I see you already have. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> From earlier on in the thread:

opinions on here are one thing, but not once has our little group shouted individual abuse at our players.

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I'm sorry ff, but I think that he is. He plays well every week, and as we've all said of the whole team, he needs encouragement not criticism.

The recent stats show that he has been one of our best players

Which stats are they then, goals scored, assists, shots on target?

Or would it be the subjective judgement of someone sitting in the stand?
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FF It appears to me that you have some sort of manic desire to be rid of Drury. I go along with fleetbabe. I've watched Drury very closely after reading some of your posts, and cannot find much wrong with his playing abilities, I find him to be an entertaining player with great skills. To quote someone elses post." I'd sooner him play for us than against us"


I suggest you take a step back and open your eyes to all aspects of the beautiful game, and stop carping. Are you one of the guys giving it all the verbals at the halfway position?


<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/shrug.gif" alt="" />

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