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1 point from 18 - a solution?

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I dunno, all I know is that I've got it on a tee shirt, amongst other things, and it's 99.9% true, all good girls are bad girls in their own way, but if they're seen as good, they'll not get caught out like bad girls do.


And it made me ever so hapy when people said that I had them going thinking I didn't know what you were on about with Jukebox and his anatomy.

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Are people ignoring me now then? I'll get really upset if this is the case.


I'm not the one who started all of this, you lot were the ones insinuating things about Jukebox, not me.

And all because I say about noticing his right side is stronger because he turns out of challenges to his right.

All I meant, purely innocent, was that he is a damn good midfielder, and he plays better on one wing rather than the other.

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Having averaged one sage point from every eighteen posts*, (*approx. figure) one solution to this increasingly frustrating dilemma would be to curtail Squawk from posting for a short while.

I believe that this would at least alleviate the problem, albeit on a temporary basis. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/tongue2.gif" alt="" />


Although I don't expect you to agree with everything posted on here (God forbid!) as that would be terminally dull, but the nature of your banter occasionally leaves a sour taste in the mouth. There's no need for such attacks as:

wise words, what great philospher came up with that?


Probably one as wise as the man behind your moniker!


We're brethren on here, save your attacks for someone else. Go on Margate's forum and wind them up about being homeless, being nearly French or simply for keeping Che on their payroll.

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A point with which I totally agree. Sadly you could pick anyone to run against Dubya and they'd still lose such is a) the ridiculous nature of the American political system and B) the risible nature of most Americans.


They should just go for devolution and have the United States of West and East Coast America and the United States of All the Inbred Redneck F***wits Inbetween...


Oops, bit political!!

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