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My Bottle

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Well, I'm soon off to Japan...I can't wait <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies2/jump.gif" alt=" - " />....To adjust to Japaneese time I have decied to stay awake for the next 36 hours <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/spin.gif" alt=" - " /> So I can enjoy the <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies4/bigdrink.gif" alt=" - " />as soon as I arrive..... To help me through I have decided to count the change I have put in a large whiskey bottle for the last eighteen months... The denominations are 1's,2's,5's and 10'S The bottle is one of those big buggers and is about two thirds full.

My challenge to you my red freinds is to guess how much is in the bottle...I shall provied a prize from my far east excursion for the winner

Value of the prise may not exceed 600 yen


Good luck

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I've got a bottle like that but when I'm skint I take all the 10 pences out so I'll say £179. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

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Our piggy bank normally holds £17.00 of 1p's & 2p's, so calculating the whisky bottle as X and the amount of coins as Y with the size of our piggy bank as <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/oink.gif" alt=" - " />

Formula - X/Y = <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/oink.gif" alt=" - " /> /100 x 2/3 = answer

Oh Bxxxxxks stuff the formula my guess - £152.50 .

<img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/azn.gif" alt=" - " />


<small>[ 05 June 2002, 09:57 PM: This message was edited by: Steve W ]</small>

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Step forward Andy Y...... Total in the bottle £158.78... You are the winner....Condition of the prize it, must be worn at the first home game of the season for the entire 90 mins....Dont worry I'll be wearing mine too.


Well done.

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