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The Directors of Margate Football Club are able to announce that they have today issued a letter to Thanet District Council accepting the latest terms set out in the Councils letter of offer which in turn will allow the proposed redevelopment of Hartsdown Park to go ahead.


The Club will now pass the Heads of Terms agreement, to which our JV Partners are agreed, to the lawyers to prepare final documentations for signature by all parties.


The redevelopment proposals will go before the Councils Cabinet on the 10 November 2004 for approval.


The Club will now prepare to announce the projected timetable for its new Stadium and will do so after consultations with the project architects when a programme of works can be agreed and issued.


The Club will arrange with its Supporters Association a space in the Social Club where supporters will be able to access all plans and visuals and full information about the progress and timing of our Stadium.


The Directors are further able to announce that the signing of the Heads of Terms agreement will trigger the immediate introduction of three hundred thousand pounds of new funds and the appointment to the Clubs board of additional Directors.


The new funds will immediately stabilize the Clubs trading, guarantee the Clubs future for the Hartsdown Return and allow the Manager to commence the rebuild of our Football Team.


The Club now has both the RED and AMBER lights lit and you will be first to be told when they change to GREEN.

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thank you for the update and lets hope this is the end to this long running tale that has been a nightmare for the fans and the people involved with the club ........and btw any chance of getting that 300k before saturday cuase after last night looks like we may need it <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/flame.gif" alt="" />

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Yes. At long last a sign that we are moving. We all look forward now to a return to the hometown formerly known as MARGATE. Still wonder if THAT meeting will have any hitches yet as we have been here before. When the works on the ground begin is the time I will acknowledge fully that we really are on our way back.

But hey! lets not get morbid as this news is probably the best we have had for a while.

You can all re-submit votes now on the poll for re-commencement of building works.

Roll on the green light,and lets go go go !

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[color:"blue"] Agree with you there MargateFan, I'm sure most of us wont be sorry to see an end to this prolonged saga, if only because it'll mean an end to those 'whats happening with the ground?' questions we get asked on a regular basis.

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I am just being realistic in what I say.It is not a foregone conclusion that all plans will be passed by the council.It really depends on what is planned.If it is an hotel, leisure centre, 5-aside pitches etc outside of the existing ground boundary the surely this has got to be opened up for public consultation etc ,etc .All I am saying is dont count your chickens etc------ JUST YET!!!!!!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/redbanana.gif" alt="" />

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Well done MFC and think we need to say same to KP in particular.

Also to the JV company-seem to recall its someone like CFC hotel group


I still think a long way to go, and will be glad when 'the money is in the bank''and ink is dry on the contracts.

Remember Stadia management !!.


Forgive me, but i have worked with some developers and am cynical


Will be plenty of heartaches/delays yet, and rest assured that the solicitors will engineer a row so they can 'fee build'.


Overall though-great and thankyou.



(can we have the MFC official website back please aswell)

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am i the only 1 that feels good about this? i too have been pessimistic in the past but for some reason i just have a good feeling about this <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/excited.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/excited.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/excited.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/excited.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/excited.gif" alt="" />

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I'm not pessimistic-just cautious, and not getting carried away.

My glass is half full.


for example-assumming the £300k is not a mirage-that will i anticipate need to fund us for a good 12 months plus i expect quite a few backlog bills to settle.


Would love to see transfer activity, but i anticipate little change on playing front

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Still a long way to go.

Yesterday we were worried about survival.

One step at a time please.

Unrealistic ambition could be the death of us.

Spend spend, spend not appropriate at this time.

If ever there was a time for cool heads and a structured appraoch it is now.

The club have given us red and amber, I'll wait for the green. As MFC said, the signing of the terms will ... they are not signed yet.

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Am in total agreement that things aren't done and dusted just yet and so we must delay any celebration but also like others,and for me to say this is is out of character, but it really does sound as positive a piece of news we have heard all the way along this see-saw saga. I too have a good gut feeling about this news this time. Fingers crossed and more!!

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Good news-bad news-good news-bad news-good news-bad news-good news.I've noticed a pattern developing.Let's save everyone a lot more grief and stick for good this time on good news.PLEASE!!Onwards and Upwards. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif" alt="" />

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Absolutely correct-and then a 3 month appeal period 'delay'.


However ,we do have planning consent for the ground and previous implication was that once the principal of the commercial project was agreed with all parties, that the ground could commence build regardless.


What will be interesting is if the ground aspect has been 'sized down'.Any change to the ground scheme could still be ratified by a planning variation however and happen quickly.


To me it seems feasible that there could be a January start on the ground aspect.


My biggest concern is that the Councils due diligence will find flaws in the funding arrangements and we will be back to square one.


Fingers remain crossed

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