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Hey, Mr Moderator!

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I have a bone to pick!!


<img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/argue.gif" alt=" - " />


Who's the squeaky clean, uptight dude <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/azzangel.gif" alt=" - " /> who controls the decency filter on this new board?


On my last posting re. the USA's drubbing of the Portugese cissy boys, I referred to a liaison of my mummy's with her Salsa teacher - and the filter blocked his name, sticking silly stars in instead. Come on! It IS his name: Q-U-E-E-R-O-S. And the goddam ass sucking filter re-writes it as *****os!! That is just so gay!! Just as well we spell ass differently over here, or I might really have to get mad, which I will do, if any of this totally inoffensive message has been altered.


A very angry EC


<img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/flame.gif" alt=" - " />

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Thanks for pointing this out. The problem we have is that the filter is now always exact - at times genuine items can be affected.


I have now modified the filter so you can post his name to your hearts content.

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Bloody Hell! <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies/devil2.gif" alt=" - " />


That was quick and very efficient & courteous too. Well done Mr Director and No. 1 member. <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies4/angel.gif" alt=" - " />


Thank you for your good sense and assistance, but I can't help giving your filter a little test with the first word of my message. Just an eencie weencie pansy UK expletive, so let's see if it gets through... <img src="http://www.longdog.org.uk/smilies4/peepwall.gif" alt=" - " />




It did! Well [****!!****] me! (Just as well I failed 3rd Grade spelling.)


<small>[ 06 June 2002, 04:31 PM: This message was edited by: Unrecognized Genius ]</small>

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