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Rumours are rife all over the area this weekend about the possible fate of the club.Sketchy details are in the media.Most info about what was said and discussed on Thursday night were available only via supporters ie Cookie etc.Now for some reason the clubs website is down.WHY THE HELL DONT THE CLUB ISSUE A STATEMENT AND PUT IT ON HERE.Iam sorry to say but the club KP, Vickie or whoever is there YOU ARE REALLY NOT HELPING OR DOING YOURSELVES ANY FAVOURS AT THE MOMENT!!!!!! <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wall.gif" alt="" />

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"all over the area"


I can imagine huddles of people in the pub at Acol discussing MFC, or at the Tartar Frigate in Broadstairs. How about Yates' wine bar in Cecil Square? I would like to think so but somehow I dont think so. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/ban.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wow.gif" alt="" />

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"all over the area"

I can imagine huddles of people in the pub at Acol discussing MFC, or at the Tartar Frigate in Broadstairs. How about Yates' wine bar in Cecil Square? I would like to think so but somehow I dont think so. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/ban.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/wow.gif" alt="" />

i was in the "Minnis" recently and some peeps overheard me talking about the club and inquired in to the situation.
Alot of people i work with and some m8s who have little intrest in football have asked me what the situation with the gate is knowing i go to watch them when i can.
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This is what I heard this morning. I have a name of who told me this but at the present I wont divulge it. However, I would like to emphasise that while this may be true, it may well not be. But as you know ,I give out what I hear and I dont hold too much to it as being gospel so please all you lot out there, please do the same.

This information is, apparently from someone who has actually seen the letter from the council though again I feel this to be dubious.

This persons words were that on completion of the ground the council would take back full control and then lease it out to the club on matchdays.What a joke!

In my personal opinion this COULD be one of the changes that the council may have made, if indeed they had actually made changes, because we don't know for sure do we?

It would be a massive blow and obstacle to be put in our way. However I have to repeat that this isn't confirmed so please be wary of this information. Just telling you what I have heard.

If this IS the case then to my mind it should be made known to show this council up for what they really are. Greedy and unfeeling! Why, if this be true, dosen't the club give this to the press so that the council, for once, would be seen as the culprit.

The word also is that we will know tomorrow whether the council have changed their mind or not thereby sending us to the knackers yard or preserving our history and standing.

We will just have to wait and see I suppose.

Am sure this long drawn out saga could be made into a film. An american company could do it I suppose because most american films end up with the goody winning,or/and a happy ending and we seem to definately be the goodies in all this.By gum we are desperate for a happy ending are we not?

Am not, incidentally talking about "those" goodies o.k. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/flame.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/angry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/bigshock.gif" alt="" />

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That's what I heard, though it may be from the same source. Given that the ward covering Hartsdown has two Labour councillors, why haven't they said anything about our alleged unfair treatment by the Tories?

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How about the Council doing a compulsory purchase on Northdown Carpets and only letting Sandy and staff in between 9 and 5 Monday to Friday. However all other times the shop MUST be empty and the stock and displays can only be on the premisies during the above times.


Maybe the prat might give the football ground idea more thought.

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Have thought about the councils "supposed" offer and maybe I have done them an injustice.Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. We would get our ground, the commercial side of things would still allow the club to take some profits from the developers.The club could still run as a club. Just what the full implications of the council taking control of the stadium are I am not sure of at the mo but perhaps it IS an option that we could be looking at.LIKE TO KNOW OTHERS POINTS OF VIEW ON THIS ONE.AM NOW NOT SO SURE THIS WOULD BE SUCH A BAD THING AFTER ALL.I AM RESERVED IN MY FINAL JUDGEMENT NOW UNTIL I HEAR OTHERS REPLYS TO THIS,IF TRUE OF COURSE. Sorry got caps switched on by mistake there.

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Direct from the horses mouth "The Counceil would agree to give CNC a 125 lease on would get their part of the scheme enabling them to build out its commercial elements, at a peppercorn group rent. In other words they would get their site at no cost.


In return the Council would receive a completed stadium,five aside football pitches and astro turf pitch, banqueting suite etc. We would then give MFC 10 year leases on all those elements, On rents MFC would recieive a five year rent free period on the stadium, commercial rents would be charged on all the other remaining developments. There would alo be a need to for communityuse on the five aside, astro pitch etc. Any commercial rent would take this into account when the rents are formulised.


MFC would retain all profits as an income stream to the club.


ON top of this we agreed that should the club gain promotion to the league that we would grant what ever that league required as security of tenure. It is fair to say that the third division woud probably be the last stage before MFC would have to look for alternatives e.g. 50,000 stadium

would not be viable option for Hartsdown.


These are the principles that are going in front of cabinet subject to du diligence and formal funding agreements in place the scheme can go ahead without delay .

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The above seems sensible and logical.


I cannot see MFC problem.Obviously there is one, but without MFC advising one cannot comment.


My concern is that due diligence could easily uncover something that is not to the liking of the Council and you go back to the start again.

Equally, saying 'we have the funding' is vastly different to funding agreements being in place.


Maybe i am just overly cautious.


Sadly i suspect there is plenty more scope for 'vigorous 'discussion ,and brinkmanship.


There are many stages to go yet during which both sides could withdraw and find 'valid' reasons.

Hope not though since we have all suffered enough one feels;incl KP, MFC and TDC.


So on the post above, what is the current stumbling block for MFC?

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I think the problem MFC has with the councils offer is that they will not own the stadium and surrounding money streams, so one must assume that TDC could in effect pull the rug from under MFC's feet.

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Can anyone clarify who owned the old stadium?

If it was MFC, I can see why they would be reluctant to hand the new one over, havng spent I don't know how much on building a new one.

If it was TDC, I think that if I was MFC I would want some very concrete insurances that they were not going to chuck me out at the first available opportunity before committing a penny.

Should this not have been thrashed out by the original administration in power when the development was agreed with all parties then involved? Or was there an agreement which has now been changed?

We none of us know enough to judge, about time some of this stuff was out in the public arena, and I don't mean by either side spinning their slant on it.

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I am not talking about the actual land, but the bricks and motar and stands etc, or as it is now the clubhouse and the pile of rubble.

I was under the impression that the land itself was held under some kind of covenant for sporting use by the people of Thanet, and TDC were custodians of it on behalf of the people of Thanet.

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Your comments are similar to those aired by Jon Snow on Channel 4 tonight about the US election. Abraham Lincoln said that "democracy is government for the people by the people" some Yank said that AL would be turning in his grave if he knew about the farce that is race for the White House. My point is Thanet DC is just as bent. <img src="/forum/images/graemlins/pink_md_wht.gif" alt="" />

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