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MARGATE FC & Council


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I have been informed today that the meeting on thursday is not a full council meeting,it is with recommendation that the council give back the lease of 125 years to MFC,if so the backers can then be assured they can go ahead and release money to MFC in the knowledge they know the ground is safe,if this be the case I think it is a big step forward,hope to see every MARGATE fan there on Thursday.

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But what about the new road to Westwood Cross? (Planned to be called The Ezekiel Way)

A non league club, bit of open land at Tivoli,farm land, Salmestone Grange and St Gregory's School should not stand in the way of progress to the most forward thinking planning Kent has seen in years. Once the deal is signed the carriageway could be completed within two years.

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I have always thought that this was the case Tony, ever since I heard the new road would be going across that way, thereabouts near our ground. This has been a bugbear in the councils side, us sticking our heels in and not going away. Long may we stick with it and hopefully we will prevail. Am fed up with the comments that keep coming out about every meeting being a LITTLE meeting so to speak. Its a MAJOR decision we need not lots of "little" ones with a new meeting to be held at a later date everytime. Enough of this stalling. Surely the council could have BOTH the new road and the new ground.They have had enough time to re-think their route, because that must be the reason or one of them for delaying things.

Lets hope we really do get a MAJOR decision on thursday.

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As we have now had the news that HDP can go ahead with the building of our ground,it would be nice for all the other people who were so pessimistic about this to apologize to the fans who kept faith. I dont mean the fans that were hoping for good news,I mean the people that rubbished that HDP would never get built,they had a lot to say,slagging off people like cookie& co:One Newsman comes to mind.UP THE GATE.

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Tony,we have had permission to build the ground now for a while.Its been the "outside the ground" activities that have held us back.Both go hand in hand and not seperately so this news about starting rebuilding the ground is pretty well "old hat". So with this in mind we mustn't assume that all is done and dusted as the council still keep harping on about various plans etc that are still to be submitted. My guess is that they havent finished with their objections quite just yet.

With your remarks you have to include me with that pessimism because I have always doubted the council and its delaying tactics. Perhaps I am no better than the rest. However,underneath all this council bashing I do there is an opinion that with continued pressure on them they might break with their plans and actually let us back. We have all kept that pressure up and we are possibly now seeing that strategy come to fruition. Latest news was changed literally overnight from the 12 month lease offered previously so something must have got to them. My opinion is that with all the pressure they were under and the actual thought of having the clubs blood on their hands and together with that the continued support we have had over the last couple of years, not to mention a forthcoming election or at least their boss, a Mr howard's target to take thanet altogether,(he has targeted thanet recently as his objective),all this has forced the council into some kind of submission.I am sure they will try something else yet before the bulldozers move in so it is imperative we do not ease up on the pressure and the posts(they do look in to this forum). Keep the pot stirring thats what we must do, even now. Its not all over yet but we are chipping away at the T.D.C. steadily.If we ease up now just when we think we are home and dry they will see it as a weakness and possibly use it as a weapon against us yet again. We really dont want any more delays and delaying tactics.Now we have shifted them a fair bit we must keep that momentum going until we triumph completely.(sorry guys,long post again).Have come to realise that when someone is "passionate" about something they can talk all day)

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<img src="/forum/images/graemlins/chat.gif" alt="" /> Got your drift Tony. Thanks. However there are many out there that believe, yet put it in different ways. Am touched by YOUR passion also and the many others who have other ways of showing it. We are all as one regardless of how people put things. "Sticks and stones" come to mind but in reality we are all striving for the same thing. A return home!! KP shows his true commitment and we should continue to follow.This is ONE margate team that WILL win the cup, so to speak. But only if we are together.We all have the right to express ourselves and disagree or agree but the end result I am sure is the same for us all.When we succeed am sure everone will celebrate together regardless.

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If what we have heard in the last few days is true then we have got to ask ourselfs WHY has the council shifted the goal posts,from the meeting they had on Friday,outcome positive,to now negative,there has got to be a reason,I personally am baffled.We hear in the papers that Mr E. wants to see Margate FC in the football league,but here we are again with obstacles in our way,what have we got to do to rectify this problem.At the meeting between the council and MFC last Friday was there nobody there taking the minutes and afterwards had them signed.WHY,WHY,WHY.

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Would Sandy Ezekiel be prepared to meet with Margate Football Club supporters (only) and answer straight questions WITH straight answers as to where he stands to the future of the club.

What he wants to see as the future of football in the town, any problems that he can see in planning/hopes of building a stadium acceptable to the football authorities and why he thinks we have gone from a decent Conference club playing in the town to a nomad tribe worried about whether we will be in existance next week.


Supporters will let him have his say in an orderly fashion ask relevant questions to bringing Margate FC back to the town.


The information he then provides can be passed onto all media groups (radio, papers and sky if poss) so we can then tell who actually is stopping OUR club from continuing.


If he agrees to the meeting then I do not expect him to be ambiguous and his opinion will then be caste in stone.(no back tracking or using council procedure as a get out clause etc)

If he refuses to meet with supporters then I feel we can take it he has lied to us and does not want to back up a personal view against club officials OR football in general.

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