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This board....


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This board is a waste of time.... again I ask why did you go from the other board to this one?? People seemed to like the other one far better.... you cant even say a word like a s s without it being blanked out..it's absurd...is this some form of censorship occuring here??<p>I liked the form of the other board..also when you posted a message on the board you could get informed by e-mail when a reply had been posted. Also you keed see straight away what messages had been posted. <p>For myself, unless you close it down then I will staying on the old one!!!http://www.surreysystems.com/servlet/forum?id=305

I have bookmarked the site on my browser and intend on staying on it. I suggest that everyone else does the same. I'm sorry Gary, but this forum sucked before and I cannot see it getting any better. All these features and stuff are really not needed. All people, I think, want is just someowhere where they can simply discuss what's going on at the club. For me it is my best link to a lot of friends I had at Slough Town. <p>Also I am quite willing to take over the moderation of it as well. <p>Thanks


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Well done for moving it from that crappy board.<p>And to Chris from the USA - if you want to get informed by email, then why not register, and then you will have no problem.<p>You will have a box you can tick.<p>If you do not supply your rmail address - how can you be infomed???<p>And as for the word CRAP - well I had no problem.<p>I think you are on a wind up here!!<p>Rebel 1

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Chris,<p>I totally understand where you are coming from but this was the board that should have taken over when we moved from disc.server.<p>This has too many features yes, but many of the features on here are of so much benefit to Chris and I as moderators, the lack of advertising on the site, the left hand navigation, the consistency of the board staying up etc.<p>I'll put it out to people. Who wants this board to stay on and who would prefer to stay with surreysytems?<p>So far it's 2-1 for. We'll go on majority vote.

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I say stay here and close surreysystems board.<p>Whilst you keep 2 boards open, you will never get a definative answer.<p>Be brave and close it!!<p>Fat_Rebel

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Okay - I'm here, and have had a good look around.<p>From what I can see, this is not a bad home - we have several other club and league forums, we can annoy wink.gif" border="0 <p>I think to get the best advantages, then you have to register, but at least here, we can skip to the forum, and then back other sections of the site - no more going into different areas.<p>I agree with fat_rebel above, let's be brave and close the old forums, and just keep this one.<p>Looking at the other club forums, 4 of them have over 900 messages each in them - if the forums are that bad, why do they all post here????<p>NO one likes change, but we need reliability, and if that is one reason fro the move, then, I am all for it.<p>My only moan, is all the blurb about the links to all the other ryman forums, as we now have the left navigation here, can't we put that into a button on the left - just an idea!!<p>Oh - and look no ads!!!<p>slough_4_ever

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As an outsider, please excuse this invasion!!<p>When these forums were first started back in September, I was against them - but since then, I registered and decided to take an active part, I have thoroughly enjoyed them.<p>Why???<p>Well maybe it is because of the good natured banter of the conversation on the various forums, maybe it is because we can pop from one forum to the next, maybe it is because our club badge can be proudly displayed by the side of our posts, maybe it is because of the abililty to join in with a hosts of topics (currently there are 26 topics on the go - see this page), maybe it is because we can add these silly smilies wink.gif" border="0 , maybe it is because you can't tell someone to **** off, maybe it is because the moderators, can close threads if they get out of control.<p>Whatever the reason, I know that I now like the forums, because I bothered to try and find the good points, rther than just looking for the bad ones.<p>Go on give it a try, you will not regret it.<p>I seem to recall a similar thread going on the St. Albans forum, funny how they now have almsot 1,000 posts, and that is since late December - over 500 a month!!<p>Whatever you decide, enjoy it!<p>Wealdstone Fan

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by slough_4_ever:

<strong>My only moan, is all the blurb about the links to all the other ryman forums, as we now have the left navigation here, can't we put that into a button on the left - just an idea!!</strong><hr></blockquote><p>Wow Gary, thanks - that was quick - it looks much neater now - I like the links in the right hand bar, at the bottom - nice one.<p>Can we ask for any more requests Gary? wink.gif" border="0 <p>Slough_4_Ever

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<img src="graemlins/top.gif" border="0" alt="[top]" /> I have to admit i do prefer this board,i would not miss the old one.There is more to look at on this one i like looking at the other links especially the active topics.I'm all in favour of change. <img src="graemlins/icon29.gif" border="0" alt="[icon29]" /><p>[ 14 February 2002: This message was edited by: BARRINGTON ]</p>

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Personally never had aproblem with the suureysystems forum. Checked it everyday, always got on first time. It could be slow but then the internet is slow at times so big whup. To be honest I will use the most popular forum. If no bugger comes here like it has been, I will not post either. I like the clarity of the other board, it was less cluttered and people could speak freely. I am prepared to be a sheep on this one, if you pen enough people in here it will work. Otherwise will have yet more splits in the club.

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OK... I found my original registration so I am still registered!! Like I say if the majority would rather come over to this borad then I will accept it!! Doesnt mean I have to like it though!! <p>I never really had a problem with the Surreysystems board myself..but if others did and they dont with this one then fine.<p>Which ever one people prefer then that is what I will have to put up with I guess!

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You know it makes sense wink.gif" border="0 <p>BTW - the admin guy who runs these forums, is always willing to listen as to potential problems. I guess that is where it differs from SurreySystems - here the admin is actually a user.<p>I am guessing the reason that you found certain words were banned, and then someone else used them, was because the admin spotted your post, and decide to act upon it.<p>Which I guess goes to show that they are listening...<p>There is a site suggestions forum available as well if you find any problems. I hope you enjoy the site, as much as everyone else does - I guess with anything in life something is only as good as you make it.<p>Wealdstone Fan

<img src="graemlins/icon21.gif" border="0" alt="[icon21]" />

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I too never had a problem with the Surrey message board, and have found this one very cumbersome to navigate. But at the end of the day the only useful forum is one where the people go and use it. At the same time, somebody has to do the work, and Gary has done a good job and deserves to have a big say, so like Chris Howarth, I will go along with the majority.

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I hate this forum. the other one is so straight forward and simple. this one is over complicated and i dont have a clue what to do. it seems much harder to have a decent convo on here. im sure my views are felt by many others but they cant work out how to post it!!!!!

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Well I say - use this board.<p>Bear in mind that more people will always complain than approve - it is human nature.<p>BTW - when does the final decision come?

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I have to say that I favour the less cluttered forums of discserver and surreysystems, but if this is the one, then its the one.<p>My main quibble is that the forum takes SOOOOOOOOOOO long to load.<p>BTW, like someone asked earlier.. how do u get the club badge next to your name on the left? I know its something to do with the avatar? Please let us know. Ta.<p>Up the Rebels!!!<p>[ 17 February 2002: This message was edited by: Michael@STFC ]</p>

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Got to disagree - I think this one - more complication, yes, but seem to have a lot more features.<p>I have a feeling that whatever happens, Chris cannot win <img src="graemlins/images/icons/rolleyes.gif" border="0" alt="[rolleyes]" /> <p>Rik<p>Up the Rebels

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