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Another 'Execution'

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I see on the Beeb news tonight that Al Quaeda have claimed, with documentry proof on the internet, that they have carried out another 'execution' by 'be-heading' ! This time an employee of The Lockheed Corporation.


I trust we will all stand behind the Nations of the world that intend to rid this earth of the scum that purport to signify justice !


(Best keep an eye on the Finsbury Mosque ! What day of the week is November 5th this year ??)


My rant for the weekend. Carry on, folks !

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Sorry BJR, no sympathy for an American. Might sound harsh, but I did not want either this country or usa to go to war and to kill innocent people from any country, Bush decided to kill people from Iraq and Afghanastan, so if a Yank gets taken, in my eyes, it is a tooth for tooth. They (USA) started it.


Before you all get on your high horses I am not condoning terrorism, just don't think Bush did the right thing.





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I was thinking about this tonight. I saw a programme about Al Quaeda once,and some of their beliefs aren't bad,for example,they believe that America is too capitalist etc,which is a valid point.However,i believe the way they are going about changing things is completely wrong and immoral.Also,with most terrorist things such as the IRA there are clear objectives,i.e they want Northern Ireland back so they bomb places and we have a decision whether to give in or not...but with Al Quaeda they are killing people etc..but what do they really want done?They haven't set out specific goals,we just know vague ideologys..hmmm

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Urm, correct me if i'm wrong Mark........But Al Quaeda kidnapped this American........In Saudi Arabia, who America is not at war with, but has long been a stronghold of terrorist groups whilst sucking up to Western Countries with a gun behind their backs.

They don't have a country to fight for. They have a "Religious" Ideology that goes against the very religion they are supposed to be fighting for.

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You are correct Fleetfanno1usa, neither Uk or USA are at war with Saudi.


Neither country cared about Killing innocent people from the countries we are at war with.


We will all have different opinions, I think more could have been done before war is needed.


I think it is a bit hypocritical of us to cry when one of ours gets killed, when we don't care about anyone outside these two countries.


I expect patrotism comeback now. Murder / war is wrong.

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I agree with you on the reason for the war(against Iraq) being bogus........and have always held that view. The war against terrorism is very valid, and if the world trade centre had been some building in Britain, i'm sure your views would be different. If Britain had not been so Lilly-livered when dealing with the IRA, lots of INNOCENT people would be alive now!

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Quite right Margate Fan!


I'd been following this story since it broke, and was genuinely saddened when I saw the front pages of the newspapers this morning. These people are disgusting!


Oh...and I agree with FFUSA. Britain should have taken the IRA out good and proper. I know the SAS did identify and "sort out" a few IRA members, but the SAS were never given full support by succesive Brit govts. Perhaps it was the Noraid/USA connection which prevented them? Who knows?


There is much hypocrisy in the world, and the foreign policies of many nation states is questionable, but any reasonable person cannot justify the killing of unarmed civilians...whether Iraqi, Palestinian, Israeli, or American.

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My greatest fear in all this barbarity is that people mistake the country of origin of these murderers (of any nationality) as an excuse to demonise millions of people from the same origins. This is amply aided by the gutter press and politicians with more fascist leanings, and we all know where this kind of hysteria can lead.

The other problem as I see it is us becoming, through more and more exposure to violence on all sides, somehow desensitised to the horror and less likely to stand up and be counted against it.

The old quote about evil prospering when good men do nothing still has resonance.

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It's easy to distance ourselves from it's true barbarity as the only victims so far have been men of middle age. How would the reactions and opinions change if next time it's a young family or something like that, not beyond the realms of impossibility is it..


We should never got involved in any of this, In England the army is a career that gets chosen, they are up against fanatics whose whole lives have been geared up to despising their enemy and using every trick in the book to avoid detection.


Someone has to see that it is just one big vicious circle and for every ba5tard on one side, there is a similar one on the other.

Time to 'hand over the keys' and get the fkuk out of these places and just hope that we haven't damaged the children so much that a new war is only a matter of time away..

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one very specific and narrow point.. ok the american was in saudi but dont forget all the us and british bombers that were/are stationed there and were used and are being used in iraq..

im sure if we were fighting the spanish and the french let em use soem of there bases we would have no objections to bombing those bases.. the avarage terrorist, having just swept up half his family will have no qualms about fking around in saudi..



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MargateFan said:

The other problem as I see it is us becoming, through more and more exposure to violence on all sides, somehow desensitised to the horror and less likely to stand up and be counted against it.

Some people here probably know this already but....

As reported in Saturday's Guardian:

"The US army is the world's biggest games developer...channelling around $1.1bn a year of US taxpayers' money to a war chest for software development via its simulations arm ( www.peostri.army.mil ) and spent $50m setting up its very own LA-based dream factory, the Institute of Creative Technologies, the Hollywood-linked high-tech research centre behind...full Spectrum Warrior".

In 2002, America's Army was released ( www.americasarmy.com ) and "given out at recruitment stations (which frequent US school playgrounds, like predatory ice-cream vans) and put on the internet for free download".

So, all you conspiracy theorists....it seems that there may be a concerted effort to desensitise young people from the horrors of war and violence...and that process is not limited to Hollywood blockbusting "shoot 'em ups".

The question is...for what ends?
American/G7 global imperialism?

BTW, See that there is another hostage who is threatened with beheading. This time it's a Korean [i think] man. It was shocking to see the news item last night where this man was begging for his life. I'm not religious, but my thoughts are with this man's family.
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Does anyone seriously think that if the troops pull out of Iraq the kidnappings and killings will stop?????.Dream on!!!!!..America was not at war with anyone when the USS Cole was bombed in the Yemen, nor on 9-11....These people are fanatics with no reason for what they do........If it is about Capatalism....the gulf countries would still be 3rd world countries without US and British money that was poured into those countries after the war for Oil Developement!

I wonder how many people on here have ever been to these countries......the people there are repressed by their own leaders....not by any Western Countries!

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MargateFan said:
Anyone lopping anyones head off is against any religion or moral code I am aware of.

The Muslim religious leaders seem not to be getting this message across very well. As long as ordinary Muslims support these actions, organisations which carry them out can survive. If the moral teachings were more strongly against them, they would find it more difficult to recruit, and more difficult to organise.
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It seems to me that the important words here are "religious leaders". In this case we are talkign about Islam, but history is littered with wars, persecutions, oppression and general unpleasantness in the name of religion - many religions.


Christianity is far from blameless. This is not to condone or justify present or future outrages, of course.


Just stop it, now, all of you, please.

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agree entirely Vis....


sadly there is no way out of it and the plea for cessation will fall on the deaf ears of the profiteers who make the decisions that feed the rivers of blood...


take to the hills or the rifle my friend.... <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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......the people there are repressed by their own leaders....not by any Western Countries!

Rightly or wrongly, it seems that "the repressed" tend to see the USA as supporting the regimes that are repressing them. Militants/fundamentalists within Saudi Arabia appear to share that sentiment.

I've [albeit briefly] been to Israel/Palestine and witnessed the division between the two peoples, and the repression suffered by Palestinians by the Israel state. Again, they [and a prominent section of the Muslim/Arab world] see the USA as supporting Israel in their actions.
And this is probably a major reason why the US is targeted. Take away the "supports" and the roof will collapse.

Still no excuse to murder innocents though, is it!

I was just pondering the question why these miltant/fundamentalists have not learned anything from Gandhi....and realised that the Muslim faith is not particularly compatable with Hinduism. <img src="/images/graemlins/doah.gif" alt="" />
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