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there are only 4 people on here

Doris Wanderer

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Doris, care to expand on the server not working issues you are having? I would be happy to help to assist you solving this problem if possible as I don't get this issue when connecting to the site in the past two years or so we've been using it? Let me know if there is anything I can do.

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Perhaps Doris just wants us all to go back to the darks ages and football webpages!


We've converted SiD already! Andyb has also posted here..We're gonna win this war!

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We got the same response when some of us moved over from Iron Chatter to here.


I think the plusses of this site, is everyone is accountable for their own posts on this type of forum, on our old forum we could all go on and make up as many names as you wanted and say what you wanted, if you believe in what you are posting my argument is have the balls to put your name behind your post. (Which I did)


Another old chestnut I was given, is that less people post on these forums, but how can you tell how many posted on the old forum, I for one used a few difrerent names, Mark (Sweden Flag) and Smooth Operator (Not used now) so how can you tell how many people actually post on that site.

Compared to this.


Anyway, sorry to waffle on.


I hope you stay with this forum Windsor.


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