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Club statement(initially by email)


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Appreciate that John K addresses the above under seperate thread but just thought it was more worthy than Johns title along lines of 'are we a joke'.

Nothing personal John -realise it is borne out of frustration.


In fairness we have been asking for info ,and club is giving it within a reasonable timescale.

Also seems good marketing to issue info initially to those who register with the club-obviously it will then be made public.


Frankly the info seems as good as one could hope-disappointingly, it looks like little chance of main conf football, but you never know -thats a tough one for conference to resolve.


Don't think there should be any defeatist talk of accepting relegation as that makes the job easy for the conference and allows the parasites (in a nice way and do not mean to be disrespectful) of Leigh and Northwich back in


Also it seems TDC is generally supportive, and all talk is of when ground will start to be built-not if--and the council were represented it appears.


Just pray we can retain and fund our conf status.If not it could be worse -it does seem at least we are going to survive.


Genuinely think we should be as supportive as possible now and lobby to retain our status and hopefully our good squad of players.


Also note that club makes a point of praising Porter and Saunders-again correctly- and addresses previous justified criticism of previous regime.


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Option 3 seems best to me. Anything so long as its back at hartsdown. To be honest I couldnt care if we got relegated from the conference just so long as we get back to hartsdown.

However does "In this regard our Architects were instructed to prepare a specification of required works" this mean that the ground would be built only to conference south regulations and with no commercial development?

Still it looks the most likely outcome, cause you can stick option 1 up yer **** and whos gonna go to dover for conference south?

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Agree.Enoughs enough! Its football at hartsdown we want more than anything. Back home! Whilst I appreciate staying in the confrence is a massive thing to everybody, getting back home is even more important in my eyes.Having said all that if a ground can be built for less for a lower league then why can that not have been already. To my mind it is MORE important to "come home" and given the choice of conference status with shared ground or conference south with our very own hartsdown then I plump for the latter.Enoughs enough! We need to return!!!!

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I agree wholeheartedly with Michael's comments at the beginning of this thread. We are getting info and TDC do seem to be onboard. It might not be that the info is entirely to our liking but we have been clinging to fairly thin hopes. Yes we would like a new ground and to stay in the Conference but failing both I agree with Cookie that playing at Hartsdown is the more important. In my mind, the villains in all this have been Stadia Management who led us up the garden path and Jim Parmenter who kept us in the dark. I assume building to a lower league standard would be with a view to readily upgrade to Conference standard. Maybe I'm overly optimistic but we do seem to have the foundation for MFC to move forward into a bright new future - look forward to finding out who's playing for us come August!

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I wouldnt mind traveling to dover every second week as long as i knew the date that we would get back to hartsdown, and that date would have to be absolutelty 100% true and no exucess. id still go down there anyway but its a long way to watch your team at home in conf 2

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(Edinburgh Exile)


What was in the e-mail ? Could somebody copy it to this forum please.


(Have now spotted the link on the club's website so have been added to the mailing list for future news.)

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