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Wheres the news??


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Just got home and went straight on to the forum anticipating some news of any sort.Hopefully good news.But what do I find? Absolutely nothing.What the hell is going on.Surely somebody would have given something out.If not the club but one of those chosen few who attended the meeting last night.Why is everything so quiet.If theres anyone out there with info on last nights meetings can they forward the news to the fans.This is to ridiculous to be true.Whats the f****** crack??

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Its as though someone has told those at the meeting not to say anything (or they are at work)... deeply concerned, I hope to be proved wrong

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this blows i cant belive no one knows anything about last night and the lack of a update on the homepage concerns me <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

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Absolute joke, yet the club wonders why its gates keep dropping. I'll tell ya KP, cause the club treats the fans like ****. Always has done and probably always will.

We need news. I mean really, we need some news KP.

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Hate to say this but surely GOOD news would have been immediate. People wouldn't have been able to hold back with their delight surely. Sounds depressing I know, and no way am I being defeatist, but the signs are not good i.m.o.

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I must say that I have to agree with you Tony. If the Conference had given you a further year, surely the club would have been shouting it from the rooftops.


Nothing seems to have come out from the Conference either.

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Trying to keep optimistic, perhaps there are still negotiations going on that preclude giving any details out yet.

I'll go with the 'no news is good news' thought for the moment and keep hoping some good will come out soon.

I am sure that if there was anything concrete good or bad we would have heard it soon enough.

As you can be driven mad by your imagination I made a pact with myself not to imagine anything.


Oh and I have checked all the usual suspects, TCD press releases, kentonline etc. and there's nothing there either. Anyone get the Gazette today?

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Yup i read the gazzete nothing in it just a peice about end of season player ratings and performanes and a bit about KSC.

it said somthing like margate have performd well considering the problems they have had off the pitch..

i guess we wont know anything now till tommrow. but im still gonna check here every 20 mins prolly. must be mad!!

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Forgive me if im wrong but i thought yesterdays meeting was all about the club making its case to the conference with the funders and the stadium developers about getting a extention on a ground share to give the club more time.

I cant imagine for one moment that the club would have been told there and then the conferences decision.

The conference needs time to decide on such an important ruling that could see MargateFC thrown out.

I belive there is a meeting between the conference and all its members on the 5/6th of june perhaps the club will be told then as it could go to a vote between all the member clubs.

I know its difficult but we have to give this time.


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I like your posts benjamin as you seem to have similar thoughts to mine on many margate f.c. and t.d.c movements and decisions but in this case you have to be joking when you say "give it time".I know what you are saying but dont you think 2 yrs is waiting enough.

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  • 3 years later...
Originally Posted By: Cookie
Just got home and went straight on to the forum anticipating some news of any sort.Hopefully good news.But what do I find? Absolutely nothing.What the hell is going on.Surely somebody would have given something out.If not the club but one of those chosen few who attended the meeting last night.Why is everything so quiet.If theres anyone out there with info on last nights meetings can they forward the news to the fans.This is to ridiculous to be true.Whats the f****** crack??

No news...... seems to have always been the case
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I thought [****!!****] me i cant remember posting that, i must of done it when i was pissed, then i saw the date.

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