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Burn Walkers burn!!!!


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OK then, how are the walkers suffering then? My feet are fine with no blisters to report on, but my arms and nose are VERY burnt and last night suffered from a major headache from that sun that forced me to be in bed all last night near enough!

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Did you work today Dom? No way was I getting out of bed this morning !!


Just a couple of blisters on the soles of my feet and a couple on my toes... the main thing is I ache basically all the way from my hips to my feet... not as bad as I thought it would be though. I caught the sun, but luckily, didn't get burnt.

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No problems with the feet, no blisters...but a bit of a back ache ! Its because I had so much weight to carry !....but all in all ok.....


Chris S. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Weaklings, I've been to London today to watch some cricket. Norbert reckons we should do the flag round the pitch at half time thing on Tuesday as well. Probably not a bad idea if three or four of us can be bothered. A little more money would do great.

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What is it about the male psyche that we have to be competitive about _everything_?


'My blister's bigger than yours, Nyahh!'

'So what, I ache more than you, yah boo!'


Ho hum. (Don't know what our grumpy anonymous reader will make of this thread!)



Congratulations on completing the walk guys (and girls). A ~20 mile walk is no small achievement for most people, so I hope you get the publicity you deserve in due course.


Any idea how much has been raised so far?


[still planning to come to the Worthing game, so if you are still collecting, I'll give you a donation then]


PJ <img src="/images/graemlins/chat.gif" alt="" />

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Cheers PJ - Hopefully we'll be able to announce an approximate fougre of the amount raised at the Croydon game - I'm getting one or two retrospective sponsors today just from people curious about why I'm walking badly, so mine should go up a bit. Think I should charge my colleagues a pound more every time they laugh.


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Well, I have a slightly red face. But not too bad. Escaped blister free, main problem is left knee but I am sure that will be fine. Hope everyone is else is recovering well.

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