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Racism and Uncle Urchin


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can someone point to me the valid points in this statement



ha ha...what a load of bollox......


this country is going to the fckin dogs...


someone called me curly yesterday...blondie the day before.....whats the fckin difference....


we all say things we shouldn't say in the heat of the moment.....


I've got a white labrador and a brown labrador...I often call the brown one (who's aggressive sometimes) 'n*****' and I call the softie white one 'woofter'....


does that make me a fckin racist.....does it make me discriminatory....


of course it fckn doesn't


racism isn't determined by words...its determined by aggression against a race ...by acts of terrorism and violence against a race or peoples...


try some of these fckn muslin scum poncing off this country preaching hate against the west and threatening our safety for real racism....I know Big Ron and he aint no racist....


you lot will never learn until this country's fcked up by all these pinko whinging liberal layabouts who are determined to destroy it...


put Ron Atkinson into downing street and he'll sort all the fckn [****!!****] out....Bernard Manning could be his No 2....



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ah Stevie P know ur talking sense!



see I just thought that UU was reinforcing the belief that By calling someone a black whatever or a N1gger you are demonstrating an underlying and deep rooted racism. Whatever front they present in normal circumstances, deep in their psyche (or probably not that deep) they feel black people are inferior and that is the ‘weakness’ they pick on.



Ron could have said “a thick lazy [****!!****]” but he chose to add N1gger to the slur. Whatever Ron says or thinks, he is a racist.



the bit about knowing Ron, as you do, did make me chuckle mind

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UU can speak for himself but in an effort to assist, I think he is suggesting that Ron Atkinson, who he knows, apparently - well we all know who Ron Atkinson is, but UU actually knows the chap - is not a racist as he has shown no "aggression against a race" and he has committed no "acts of terrorism and violence against a race or people".


Reading between the lines, I don't think that UU is all together in favour of Big Ron being required to resign.


He wont have read my earlier post that it's all about gross stupidity rather racism, mind.

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"Ron could have said “a thick lazy [****!!****]” but he chose to add “N1gger” to the slur. Whatever Ron says or thinks, he is a racist."


Absolute rubbish, JK.


As much as calling someone "thick" is insulting to those who have learning difficulties, or "lazy" to those who suffer from diseases that zap your energy.



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cheers fella

sort of see post above


the other points did make me laugh as well


"this country is going to the fckin dogs... "

"you lot will never learn until this country's fcked up by all these pinko whinging liberal layabouts who are determined to destroy it... "


I wonde if UU calls his players N1gger?



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Yes, JKiF.


I disagree with UU's comment about the "pinko whinging liberal layabouts who are determined to destroy it [this country]".


In my view, the pinko whinging liberal layabouts are not determined upon destruction. Actually, they are deluded. They don't realise that they are doing it!

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Right so this isn't about Ron being a member of Mossad??


From what I understand his quote was the Desailly was a "fu****g lazy big n**ger".


Now with wanting to split hairs there's a difference between calling someone 'black' and a 'n**ger'. How can anyone think that comment isn't racist, it may have been said in the heat of the moment and by the looks of it Ron has hardly been known for doing this kind of thing before.


It's fair he resigned for it and I reckon AFF has got it right, if anything it's an act of stupidity. But UU is completely out of line if he thinks the term racism is only applicable to those who commit acts of terrorism or aggression against a specific race, that's not quite right.



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It was said by a guy who's 65-years old, who is NOT a racist, using a 'term' that was generally seen as acceptable once upon a time without really thinking about what he was saying.


I am entirely convinced that his comment was not meant as an anti-black, racist remark.


As I said on a previous thread, ITV have had no option to let him go (like AFF says - for gross stupidity), but for him to now be labelled a racist is very wrong.



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well i aint convinced fella


Calling someone a Nigg1r is Racist, in my book, try saying it to one of ours


he knew exactly what he was saying or do you like UU know him personally as well


Its their mindset

to be honest cant believe im having this "discussion"

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Well i'm not really sure how you can say that statement was without malice? It's surely a wilfully offensive comment - and his defence seemed to be, i didn't know the mike was on - rather than i shouldn't have used the phrase



still neither wishy or washy but looking forward to St Georges Day tomorrow

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Whatever way you look at it, the term he used is racist. I accept the argument that he's from a different age when this sort of term wasn't considered out of the ordinary, but surely he's with it enough to know that those days are gone and attitudes have changed. I mean if you consider what the term 'n*****' relates back to (slavery, the oppression of black people in America- times when this phrase was considered completley acceptable etc etc) then you must be able to see why it is so offensive to black people. I'd agree that it was probably more stupidity then malice that drove him to make the comment, but that doesn't make it alright. He's old enough to know better!

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