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I know that we, as supporters of non league teams, moan at times about the players 'not putting 100% in' etc, but at the end of the day most of them play for these clubs because they love playing. They are still having to earn their livings elsewhere, and if they did'nt play we would have no teams to watch! If you had seen the horrific injury that a player sustained last week, at a match, you would realise what I am trying to say. It was a freak accident from a 50/50 challenge which you see week in, week out. He is still in hospital. Lets hope that his employers will be understanding about it. I know I won't be moaning about our teams players this week.

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Hollie said:
"Can we now move on, as one club, as there is still only ONE TEAM IN ENFIELD."

Actually there are TWO teams 'in' Enfield. You are 'borrowing' the ground of the more senior one.

I beg to differ. There are 3 senior teams in Enfield - Cockfosters are just within the boroiugh boundary, I believe.

However Brimsdown are not senior to Enfield Town as they play in a lower division.
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Hollie said:
I mean that Brimsdown are the more senior, 'in the Borough' because they have been around a long while, and they have their own pitch. Apologies to Cockfosters. It still means there is more then ONE team in the Borough, though.

Thanks Hollie - so now we agree that there is more than one team in the BORO', how many of those teams have "Enfield" in there name? How mand attract more than 250 suporters (supporters excludes parents, girlfriends and partners!)

How many teams in the BORO are planning to play in Ware next season.

come on, if you want to see top non-league football in ENFIELD, you need to come down to the TOWN, where you would be more than welcome.

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