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Q&A Evening

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14 hours ago, Old Codger said:

If I am being quite honest I would rather go to Canvey than Torquay with all the time and expense involved in getting to the west country.

Doesn't the club have a lease on Bridge Avenue from Havering Council?

If Havering Council does wish the club to move do they have to offer a financial incentive other than just offering the site?

Will the site be owned by Havering Council and the club still beholding to them for a long lease?

The club do a great job in subsidising coach journeys to places like Torquay. If I’m being honest however I much prefer local away games. I had been to most away games over the last 3 years but this year I’ve only been to Avery as I do not want a 5 hour journey to a football match. That’s just my personal preference. 

Edited by Robh 1962
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The long and short of this topic is quite simple. If we do not move to a new ground and asap you no longer have a football club with its currrent support from board to fan base. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion but that isn’t going to change the fact that the club is moving to a new site, asap and the club will continue to look up rather than down. 

As been said the board are approachable to discuss. Or next home game I’ll happily show you the hundreds of thousands of pounds of damage/wear and tear that the council will not fix or replace. 

Short, factual and to the point. 

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As others have said, the club has no choice but to move and I'm thankful we have a proactive board that are navigating this so that we have a new home that will not only allow us to survive, but to prosper. 

I too, am/was a little disappointed at the prospect of moving to Westlands and still hope that perhaps something can be made of Wingletye. However, the plans for that site really get you excited and for me, the pros far outweigh the cons should this move transpire.

Everyone is entitled to want different things and I get that some people prefer other (more local) leagues but for me, when my good friend 'Kimble' and I waddled along to a home match against Arlesey in 2002 (3-2 win if you're wondering), I could never have imagined the places we would visit and the countless great days out that would follow. I'd personally welcome the chance to continue and enjoy this mad journey. Tomorrow is never guaranteed...

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Can’t wait to move to a new modern ground. The club and volunteers have worked near miracles to keep this dare I say dump usable. Our Landlords have done next to nothing since it was built almost 80 years ago, yes replaced floodlights and a changed the old cinder running track. The only saving grace is the excellent clubhouse built by the club. The toilet block (Landlords) are disgusting I’ll rather pee in the Ingrebourne river. The P.A system sounds like it was one of Thomas Edison’s failed experiments, Max deserves better. So yes let’s Location Location Location. Great respect to our owners and board. 



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I just reread my posts and do want to be clear that there’s no criticism intended of either the board or club. They have done a great job over the last few years to get us where we are. My only concern is whether the conference would be a sustainable model with our fanbase. hopefully we get there and it will be. 
It will be interesting to see what Romford FC make of us moving into Westlands. Was there any mention that the council will want a ground share to approve the move

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I believe that Romford FC have been in touch with Alex directly from what I heard last Tuesday, don't think there are any current plans to groundshare. Attendances are an issue from what I heard on Tuesday but hoping the developments on the new ground will open up new revenue streams. 

Edited by cup of tea
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