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You are priceless.


A little story


In a little quite Hamlet a long time ago some people owned a lovely Jewel, everyday they polished cleaned it and kept it safe.


One day a traveller came from a foreign land and offered the townsfolk a deal. If they gave him them their jewel he would polish it even brighter and put it in a crystal box so everyone could see it. "Everyone became very excited and said yes lets give it to him."


The traveller said I will even build lodgings to house those people who come from far and wide so they can stay overnight when looking at the box. He even offered to build a hostelry to feed and provide them with sustanence. All for free and the townfolk would not have to pay anything for the box they were very excited.


One little chap said no! stop! we can already see it and we already keep it polished we will get nothing from this. We love our jewel and are happy with it the way it is. He said our jewel will be better looked after if we clean it as for us it is a labour of love. The traveller will not take the same care as we do. The little chap was a simple man but very wise.



The traveller cursed and scolded and threatened the little chap, he also went to see the towns elders and persuaded them to silence the boy and hand over the jewel. The elders were greedy and took notice of the traveller. He even persuaded them to neglect the jewel so it would become dirty and weak so when the box was built it would shine even brighter. The jewel had been getting stronger and brighter for many years and suddenly as the little chap predicted it started to lose its sparkle, the elders brought in a man to clean the jewel who had never done this before so he was not very good at cleaning jewels and they did not give him any money to buy good cleaning materials.


The hamlet got its box and the jewel is safely locked inside it nobody can now polish it and nobody can touch, they can see it if they pay the traveller 100 silver peices. Nobody knows if it is still there as nobody has a 100 silver peices.


The little chap was to polite to say I told you so and the townsfolk are very sad as they cannot see into the box, but it is a wonderful box.


After a few years the traveller counted how much money he had collected from people looking into the box, he was very angry as nobody had paid the 100 silver peices to look in.


He said if nobody pays they must not love their jewel so he sold it and built flats on it for rich travellers who could afford to pay to look into the box. He sold the jewel to pay for the flats.


The flats and hotels are very nice though.


Morale: Keep your hands on your jewel and if a little chap tells you to beware of travellers listen to him, and if somone offers you something for nothing tell em! to [****!!****] off!!!

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Having read the continual drivel from mobrian I felt I must enter this site and put a few things straight.

I doubt if mobrian knows anything aout running a non league club or he would realise that in todays climate it is not possible to fund a club from the football receipts alone thus requiring either another source of income or like his club and many others a benefactor who bankrolls the club usually for his own egotistical reasons.

This situation often leads to instability in clubs as benefactors come and go for a variety of reasons.

Over the years btfc has been funded by its own income coupled with a small input from various benefactors.

It was obvious that for the club to progress and grow (or possibly die off without a benefctor)an additional source of income was required and stadia's operation was a way of realising both this and the need to improve the ground.

There was and is no hidden agenda in the plan it was conceived for the good of the club and the many loyal supporters.

What would happen mobrian, if canveys benefactor had a change of heart and decided not to support his club anymore. How much influence would you have.

It is time some people on this forum either got involved with running a club and discovered how much time and money this takes or kept their proverbial gobs shut about things they know very little or nothing about. If you want to be a supporter and just go to matches from 3-5 then great pay your money and if you dont like the product voice your comments re the football as that is all you have paid to see, but please stop slagging off the business and the people who spend a lot of unpaid time providing you with cheap subsidised entertainment.

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What a load of old bol$*cks.

I have never heard such bull since the iraqi information minister claimed to have captured the whole british army single handed. An they reckon Rodney is a plonker, delboy. If there was no other moyive but the football why do they not build the same facilty in ricay where it belongs. Do you really think stadia give a toss about ricay, margate or any other club they mess up.


You make this sound as something positive for ricay, stadia have spotted a valuable peice of land and tried to get their hands on it.


The fans do not want it.

The local residents do not want it.

Nobody wants it.

Except the money men, this aint about football it is about money.

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Agreed a club needs a thriving commercial sector (gate money, bar takings etc); or a wealthy benefactor as Chairman; or sponsor(s) willing to put money in; or a combination of all three.


What doesn't work is having low bar/gate receipts; a skint Chairman who cannot attract sponsors because he has the charisma of a plank; and one who makes himself a PAID? Chief Executive

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