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Why don't we score from corners?


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Agreed... something we have tried working on, used to be one of our biggest fortes as a side ....  today we actually decided not to use our usual corners, we did score from one on Tuesday however, but with the deliveries into the box and our height, we should be doing better.

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Two answers to this question, firstly fairly often the ball does not get past the first defender as it is not high enough, and secondly when the corner taker compensates and hits it longer it goes too far and we have no one out the back to pick it up.


If either of these happen then we have lost the attacking advantage and therefore do not score, or even worse end up with a breakaway by the opposition.

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Agreed on the first man thing. It is a problem at all levels of the game with players convinced that the near post is best even though the vast majority of the time it doesn't work.


On the long throws it's painfully obvious where the ball is going, as there is one man at the front post who is then triple marked.

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Whatever happened to a quick,short corner? 


Or a pass low to a player, who has a good shot, from the edge of the penalty area?


Most of our set piece moves are predictable. We need to add variation and try a few novel tricks to set up goal scoring opportunities. We must keep the opposition guessing what we are going to do, not present it on a plate like we do.   


The same has to be said for the Guy Hollis long throw, a very useful weapon at times but the same predictable long throw into the box every time, that the opposition are prepared for.    

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I am sure that a revision of thinking at training sessions will bear fruit in this regard......also it makes me wonder whether we watch (live or on film) how prospective opponents set themselves up to defend corners/throws/set pieces..........people on near post/far post, protection given to keepers etc

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Bearing in mind the recent good run we have been on, it feels a bit like nit picking this thread. Nomatter how many routines a team has got, good delivery/attack ball with purpose equals a good chance. Neither of those are happening at present, not down to a lack of effort on training field I'm sure.

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Bearing in mind the recent good run we have been on, it feels a bit like nit picking this thread. Nomatter how many routines a team has got, good delivery/attack ball with purpose equals a good chance. Neither of those are happening at present, not down to a lack of effort on training field I'm sure.


I can't see Bakes or Unders losing sleep about this thread !

They will do it their way whatever, but I think Gashimoto made a fair point and it is worth a discussion.


I once levelled the same question at Steve Bateman's Slough team, that of varying set pieces and trying something not as predictable. He ignored it as well ! ha ha ha !


So what has Steve Bateman, Bakes and Unders got in common?

They were all defenders !


I think the majority of fans are happy in the main, with what our managers are trying to do regarding the team [me included] and while you say, Sloughboy, that we're nit-picking, I think, from a fan's perspective, there's always room for improvement but we know things aren't always easy to put into practice, when trying to apply a training ground move, in an actual match.

So sometimes through players not being confident or having the desire to do it, things go awry and nerves/lack of belief get the better of them to try anything different.

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Plus players get told off for using their initiative, especially when it goes wrong and the managers and quite a lot of the fans are moaning afterwards about it !

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You can't look beyond delivery, good attacking of the ball being the result of goals from set pieces though that's my point. Our issue being a bit of both! All the corner routines under the sun can be planned, if you don't deliver it or attack it with a good purpose you won't score.

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I think fans have much higher goal scoring expectations from corners than the reality.


A quick bit of research will reveal that even in the Peemier League (where the most work is probably done on set plays), only about 1 in 40 corners directly results in a goal, and since the average number of corners a side gets per match is 5, that's one goal from a corner about every 8 matches..... didn't we score one of our goals against Marlow from a corner? Was that about 8 games ago?

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We scored against Biggleswade from a corner:


In reality we have a couple of corners in particular that have worked very well for us in the past, where the lads have bought into them and we have scored or created numerous chances from, however with the changes etc in the squad over the last 12 months, this has suffered.


We worked on them for a good period a couple of Thursdays ago, however went into the next game, and still got them slightly wrong.


As people say the delivery is important, however I would say that Puts gets in good deliveries, however sometimes the corners we do are usually all about timing, and it requires things to happen correctly for them to come off.


The goal we scored on Tuesday against Biggleswade came from one that is not worked on, with the instruction to whip the ball in and create their own movement.


Believe me it can be a huge frustration when you work on something and you see it done incorrectly, however at the same time we do not always have a huge amount of time to work on them, and when you do invariably their might be someone missing etc.


As Mark Curtis says above you do not get that many from corners in a season, I think 10 goals would be a good return, and I think we have 4 or 5 at the moment.


Also in regards to long throws, we do score from these, but they are usually from the second phase of play, where a defender has not got much on them, in particular I remember we scored 2 from Guys throws against Histon.


St Neots use this to good effect also, and it is a weapon, however some times we do need to mix it up and be a little less predictable, however it is a good opportunity to get the ball in the box and put pressure on the defensive team.

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