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ticker tape welcome????


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What would people on here think of a ticker tape welcome, red and white baloons etc for the welcome of the teams on saturday. get the drummer to go over the top gee the crowd up lots of noise, surely this feal good factor would pass on to the players.Get all the kids to sit down on friday night and cut up the news papers, and dads get puffing on those baloons. This would look good for the sky cameras, and look good for the fleet, what do people think? icon_band222.gif

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Yeah, I remember bedford, the confetti and party popper string was brill! The Cheer cheer thing is a great idea, but theer are probably only 800 or so that know the song... still, 800 peoples enough! If the drum keeps going for the whole of the match, that wil b excellent, and y not keep the drum going for ever in the league games?? COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The guy with the drum should pass it on 2 someone who wants 2 bang it or play it because nearly all games so far this season he hasnt really done the job especially in the first half, the daggers game they were so noisey it was untrue i thought we were playing away maybe him and the singers should join the halfway liners on saturday and make some noise there COME ON U REDS.

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Anyone who expects anything to come out of the halfway line on Saturday will be disappointed. With a TV gantry blocking the view most of the HWL will be scattered elsewhere in the ground. If you stand on the halfway line you will only see one end of the ground. So it's down to the covered end to really crank up the noise.and , please, try and maintain it for 90 minutes(includiong the drum).

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