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World Cup winners!


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I know a lot of you dont like rugby but it has to be said its great to win something so big! Thought I would start a thread as I'm sure people will a lot to say on the subject tomorrow morning.


<img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />Well done England!! <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />



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HelenC said:
I know a lot of you dont like rugby but it has to be said its great to win something so big! Thought I would start a thread as I'm sure people will a lot to say on the subject tomorrow morning.

<img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />Well done England!! <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Sorry, Helsks, but it isn't really big.

It's played a few proper countries: England, France and Italy. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa don't really make much noise in the world of football.

This is a minority sport, like hockey and cricket. Let's not get too excited about it, please.
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mm we hadnt won a game in australiia ever until earlier this year.. the southern hemisphere teams have regularly beaten the crap out of us in humiliating style for decades.. all we could could hope for a was a sneaky win against the springboks or a draw at home ag the all blacks every 15 years.. the tranformation of englands rugby fortunes since 1999 is unbelievable as the team far exceeded anything the last decent squad bk in the early 90's managed.. sure this is the wrong place to get on about it but if the overpaid cosseted twats that represent the top level of footy in this country could put in half the effort this england rugby team have then they might get somewhere..

if some of the faggots in the prem stopped rolling around like girly tarts after a little tap maybe people would respect them more...

in the overall sporting scheme of things then no it is not even close to footy.. if it had kicked off at 2 pm then maybe there would have been a lot more intrest..

it is on a par to england winning a football world cup ag brazil in brazil and having everyone there on their case from day one..


thus whilst the effect is smaller, the achievment is greater than anything any other team has ever achieved from these shores and should be recognised as such...


if on the other hand i have to endure twats at work raving about the game when they dont know what an open side is and can only recall jonny and jonnos names, and women going cor he's nice isnt he cute etc, they i may begin to wish we lost

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very good points there CANV but...


dont have any time for union...gald we beat the aussies, tho' i know enough to say i wasnt at all suprised england won, been the best for quite a while now...dont think the time came into play as a reason it didnt cross over


cant stand footballers


the reflective glory effect, possibly one of the worst human traits going


this "victory parade" gonna have to be very careful where & when its done

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Heard an interesting conversation in the pub toilet last night:

Man A "yeah, its all very good, but you tell me how many of them were working class? they're all public school t**ts, aren't they?"

Man B "hmm, s'pose so, but that's why they're so good at a sport where a load of men have to grab each other by the knackers"


I'm not exactly sure about Man B's logic, but it made me laugh.

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Even though i must admit i did really enjoyed the game and that it was great we won the tournament id o have some complaints.


the whole squad were a bunch of frustrsted footballers who were to at to play at school and allways got picked last.


Whats so difficult about running with a ball in your hands. (5 year old stuff)


When in town i would say that the rugby fans were alot more annoying than football fans. They kept barging people, abusing girls by burping in their faces picking people up and droping them( HAHA the wit.


They seemed to not want to include everyone in the celebrations either.

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The one & only BigRon,EFM said:
But it was a draw ... surely? ... one touch down each wasn't it?

As for the young boy who kept launching the ball over the bar when it was easier to score, he needs some extra training if you ask me.

All this fuss about a silly game where you're not even sure how the ball is gunna bounce.

The Ball is not supposed to bounce
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