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UKIP - A seriously funny party?

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Excellent summation of the Week that Was for UKIP in today's The Times from Hugo Rifkind:-


1 Farage goes on the radio and criticises “ostentatious breastfeeding”. It is his preference that, when a mother in a restaurant wishes to feed her baby, she should remove herself to the broom cupboard and put a bucket over her head. Or something.


2 On the same day, Farage misses a fundraising event in Wales and blames mass immigration from eastern Europe for clogging up the M4. What with the M4, as everyone knows, being full of men called Wlokek driving pony-drawn carts full of chickens and pigs.


3 Natasha Bolter, paraded at the last Ukip conference as a 35-year-old, attractive, ethnic minority, Wadham-College-Oxford PPE graduate, Labour-turned-Ukip comprehensive teacher, mother of five (wow) quits the party, despite being on the verge of selection for the winnable seat of South Basildon. She does this, she says, because Roger Bird — who is the general secretary, and thus has power over her ambitions — has propositioned her repeatedly. Bird is suspended.


4 Bird publishes a cache of intimate text messages he received from Bolter, which suggest a) she was actually quite into him, and B) senior figures in Ukip are remarkably blithe about revealing intimate text messages.


5 Enter Neil Hamilton, Ukip’s deputy chairman, and now the favourite (post-Bolter bolt) to be selected as Ukip candidate in South Basildon. Because that’s who you want if you plan to usher in a new era in British politics, isn’t it? Neil Hamilton. Yes.


6 Exit Neil Hamilton again, furiously, after somebody else in Ukip leaks details of a bitter expenses fight he is having with the party, apparently in part over whether he’s allowed to claim the rent he says he paid for staying in his wife’s flat. Which, formidable as she famously is, seems unorthodox.


7 Enter Oxford University, tersely requesting that people stop reporting that Natasha Bolter was at Wadham College or has a degree in PPE, because she doesn’t. Gradually, it emerges that Ukip probably should have realised this before they paraded her at conference, as her own CV reportedly spelt it “Wadam”. Oh, and she’s 39, not 35, and didn’t defect from the Labour party but was in fact only in it for eight months before getting kicked out for not paying her dues. And, at least according to The Daily Telegraph, might not be a teacher.



A recent UKIP Internal Report founddeclared the offices to be suffering from “a lack of cleanliness, silliness and lack of organisation and lack of people in offices”. On one wall there was a picture of Nigel Farage, surrounded by love hearts. On the other, a sign saying “c*** of the week”, on which they’d stick whichever journalist Ukip currently hated most.




Honestly, Neil "Cheatin'" Hamilton, you couldn't make this joke any funnier.


Serious or funny party?

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Bit of a weak answer Big JR, every political party is under the microscope, they all come in for criticism where due by all and sundry.


The question is though, that with this party looking so disorganised and with so many embarrassing incidents in just one week, how can they be taken seriously? A few pints in the pub with some friendly photographers isn't going to change minds now.

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And now Nick Griffin Look-a-like Kerry Smith has dropped out of the lists for South Basildon.


I'm beginning to wonder if no-one wants to represent 'The Pearl' of Essex  :lol:

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I think the Conservatives and the Conservative press are singling out UKIP as they present a real threat to them getting re-elected.

There's some loose cannons on all the major political parties.

I hope I'm wrong, but if I was a gambling man I would probably have a small wager on a Tory/UKIP coalition after the general election.


Ps   I had to sign in but forgot my password, and somehow ended up with the new name even though I never typed it in. How can I change it back to missunderstood?

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Hope you're wrong as well - don't want Farage anywhere near government thanks.


Had to do that yesterday as well, there's a link when you login saying forgot password - think you'll need your e-mail address. I'm sure Sid can explain better than that.

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It does make me laugh all this UKIP bashing as the Conservatives and Labour have both been corrupt to the core forever.


Look at the state of this country that is down to the Conservatives and Labour SIMPLES.

So, what you are saying is that they are at least as good, or bad as what we've already got?


That makes me laugh.


Along with all the EDP and BNP in there keeping their heads down, biding their time the party hasn't any serious policies let alone a consistent manifesto and wants to dominate the weekly gaffe columns...

Edited by Loose
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Had to do that yesterday as well, there's a link when you login saying forgot password - think you'll need your e-mail address. I'm sure Sid can explain better than that.

That's how it all started. If I get time I will try and revert back tomorrow. 

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It does make me laugh all this UKIP bashing as the Conservatives and Labour have both been corrupt to the core forever.


Look at the state of this country that is down to the Conservatives and Labour SIMPLES.

How exactly do you think UKIP will make things better. I personally cannot think of one single policy to agree with.

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I was told by a taxi driver the other day that the High Streets had been destroyed by the immigrants and that was why he was voting for UKIP. I suppose that was his opinion.

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As I live in a true blue  constituency with just about the nastiest right wing MP in Westminster tactical voting is not really an option, so I will either vote with my heart, and put my cross next to the Green Party candidate, or vote with my head, and give it to Labour. 

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I was told by a taxi driver the other day that the High Streets had been destroyed by the immigrants and that was why he was voting for UKIP. I suppose that was his opinion.


Yes, lack of investment, out-of town supermarkets and Internet selling have had nothing to do with it - definitely all down to immigration.

It does demonstrate a lack of ability of the major parties to communicate though.

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Yes it is his opinion.

Yeah, that was what I thought.


Even the ill-informed are allowed them, and will get to vote. That's democracy.

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