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Ladies quiz night 14/11/03


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one week to go.sign up at romford game i will be by daves goodies table.please join up now but you can join on the night.9 teams so far.other fun and games on the night.7.45 start Waverley School,The Ride. £4 each person teams upto 8.bring your own refreshment

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sorry for confusion but i am a........

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Southport - TOWNER said:
Liverpool supporter?

Could have been worse at least you didn`t accuse me of being a spurs supporter.
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no they are an unimportant collection of individuals run by cowboys.

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lets make friday a good night at the quiz as after this weekends results both mens and ladies sections need to lift the gloom after poor performances.The ladies lost 4-0 away to afc wimbledon today.

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remember quiz night is getting closer.time to dig out those thinking caps,cleggy lets see what fine piece of headwear yours is.

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tommorrows the night for the quiz,remember £4 per person teams of up to 8,bring extra cash as further fun & games planned.join a team on the night.PLEASE TRY TO BE THERE ABOUT 7.30 SO THAT EVERYONE CAN BE REGISTERED FOR 7.45 START

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