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Des Res ...or not?

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An appeal to the extensive local knowledge of Fleet Forum posters & apologies for the non-footballing nature of this request.


A work colleague of mine is looking to buy her 1st house & having seen perfectly nice places, but been put off by loitering gangs of dodgy looking kids, graffitti everywhere etc. was taken with a place in Lower Range Road, Denton. When she visited, the area seemed fine, with lots of smartly refurbished houses and none of the signs associated with other places she'd seen. However, people have told her that Denton is really rough & of course I've seen the 'Denton Boyz' graffitti around town.


It's possible to be close to an area with a bad repuatation & not have problems, as I know living about 1/4 mile from King's Farm, but suffering none of the nonsense associated with the place. So I didn't want to just put her off when I have only a general impression of what Denton is like. She's tried phoning the Old Bill, but they get so many enquiries of this nature, that they only respond if you write, by which time the house has gone if the area really is kosher. Does anybody who lives in the area have any real info. on what this part of Denton is like?



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I'm not too far from the Lion Garage roundabout (which, of course, is the other end of the area known as Denton) - albeit I'm actually on a main road - we have no probs with the scroats and such like that habitate in Ingoldsby Road, Shamrock Road and suchlike.....not much help for info on the other end of Denton - but no doubt an example similar to yours!


As for the gaffitti - tagging a town with 'Denton Boyz' does indicate a level of roughness - it indicates a group of silly little kids trying to put their tag all over the town who need a good clip round the ear.....

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Cheers, Daz. Yes, much as I thought. I was in fact a pupil at the old Denton Primary, which was very near the area I was enquiring about. I distinctly remember, way back then, that unless you wanted the wildest adventures you never took a short cut through the roads at the back of where the Dickens Inn used to be!


I believe my colleague is going to make a weekend recky, before deciding for sure.



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I don't know, Alan. I went to Gravesend School, formerly & now once more Gravesend Grammar, from 1966 to 1973 - as did Mr Webmeister (a year older than me.) And I have a very vivid memory of an incident when I was about 12 & standing at the bus stop at Denton corner. 3 absolute toe rags, aged about 15 walked up & started verbally abusing, prodding & slapping a kid from our school of about the same age as them. I was too young to do anything, except watch in amazement, as 2 full grown men & 1 woman resolutely turned their faces the other way & pretended they could not see what was happening.


Thanks to people like them, turning a blind eye, today's equivalent of those scroats now feel empowered to go a lot further than mere mockery, prodding & the odd humiliating slap.


Graham S

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You're right. The Chasmeister was a "big boy" when I started. Used to go around with Roger Ryan. If memory serves me right the Sense of Humour by-pass Head with a double barrelled name took exception to their contribution to the School Review one year: said it was "in questionable taste." Chas? Never.

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Graham S said:
If memory serves me right the Sense of Humour by-pass Head with a double barrelled name

Peter Arnold-Craft, went on to be head teacher at the Bluecoat Shool in Liverpool.

When he left he said that any of us would be welcome to visit. His face was a picture when I popped in one day. <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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Hanging around with Roger Ryan never did me any harm(apart from certain royal family/valet insinuations) - but 10 points to anyone who can remember the name of our band which also feastured Graham Loveday and Derek Shephard.


Did any of you lot ever see Freddie Mack at the Boys Grammar or the Artwoods(featuring Ronnie Wood's brother)? I remember we were offered Jimi Hendrix to play at a school dance just as he was starting out for £250 and we thought it was too much...............................

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