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Paddy Power Pope Bet

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I don't know what the exact statistics are anymore but they are in effect that overwhelmingly the majority of sexually abused children go on to abuse others, themselves. So they are both victim and abuser in their lifetimes (overwhelmingly). You can look at a child who has been violated and see that down the line, given the opportunities that they will go on to do the same. Surely there is as you say a mental illness component in large measure there. And at the same time it is a criminal offence.


It's also an illness that can rarely if ever at an older age that can be "cured".


I'm still confused as to why anyone, and more importantly people that call themselves christians, can justify covering up these types of crimes.

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What a daft comment for the Cardinal to make, especially when the Catholic Church has been savaged (rightly so) in the media.


There is NO excuse for paedophilia and I favour the death penalty for paedophiles whoever they are or whatever religion they are part of.


Paedophilia is not a mental illness - for a while I shadowed a social worker in the early-mid 2000s who worked with people 'at risk of abusing others' and what we both thought was that if these people are that worried they could offend, why not undergo chemical castration?

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What a daft comment for the Cardinal to make, especially when the Catholic Church has been savaged (rightly so) in the media.


There is NO excuse for paedophilia and I favour the death penalty for paedophiles whoever they are or whatever religion they are part of.


Paedophilia is not a mental illness - for a while I shadowed a social worker in the early-mid 2000s who worked with people 'at risk of abusing others' and what we both thought was that if these people are that worried they could offend, why not undergo chemical castration?


Well it would seem that brighter and more eminent psychologists and psychiatrists than the Cardinal struggle with the question too and in years to come who knows, it may be widely accepted that most pedophiles are in fact mentally ill. Not all, since culturally for example some polynesian islands etc in the recent past and even now it is a culturally accepted norm with some sexual acts. If you accept that pedophilia is the sexual act between an adult and a pre-pubescent child then you could say that even here in these islands (Britain) it was accepted practice for over three hundred years, not the dim distant past either but within at least 40 years of the beginning of World War I the legal age for marriage was as low as ten years old. Anyway, I think that maybe you and your social worker friend possibly had trouble making the connection between victims at a young age of sexual abuse, particularly I'd say long periods of familial abuse and becoming the abuser themselves is a line only separated by the act. The sympathy for the victim soon enough turns to disgust and criminalisation.


Convicted pedophile prisoners in studies compared to non-sexually deviant psychiatric patients showed no difference in certain items of the Pscychopathic Deviate scale known as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Several other neurotic features and low self image, depression and other items on scales used to diagnose psychosis.


So it isn't yet clear is the long and short of it all. Yes, at the moment it is still criminal and children need to be protected. Will always need to be protected.

Edited by Loose
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What a daft comment for the Cardinal to make, especially when the Catholic Church has been savaged (rightly so) in the media.


There is NO excuse for paedophilia and I favour the death penalty for paedophiles whoever they are or whatever religion they are part of.


Paedophilia is not a mental illness - for a while I shadowed a social worker in the early-mid 2000s who worked with people 'at risk of abusing others' and what we both thought was that if these people are that worried they could offend, why not undergo chemical castration?


how old are you Adam?

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I am 27, 28 in November.

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Always happy to answer questions.


I left home to play football in Cambridgeshire at 16, and decided that as well as playing football I wanted to do something that could both benefit me and my qualifications and help others.


I became interested in social work and worked as an auxiliary on a PICU unit (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit) and tried to make a difference in any way I could. Whether it be talking with patients or taking them out (the ones who were allowed out and not on Section Three's - meaning the ones who had to be locked up 24/7) and even now I still talk with a few former patients. Some have been in and out of the Mental Health system for years, and others I'm glad to say have got on and are living normal lives.


Whilst I have an interest in beer (more so real ale) and girls, I have also had a strong interest in trying to help others and leave the world a better place. Where I grew up, nobody was given a chance and people were expected to just go on the dole and booze and smoke their life away. I thought 'sod that' - I wanted more and thankfully through hard work I've made something of my life.


I'm from a Labour Heartland (Torfaen), and growing up in a dump where people were expected to vote Labour and be glad for what they had shaped my beliefs from an early age. That definitely swung my political beliefs towards the right and even from the age of 10 or so I was very much anti Europe and thought that Labour were scum. As for the paedophile castration, well there were a few paedophiles where I grew up and one of them raped a girl in my primary school. Every excuse under the sun was made for the sick b@stard who raped the girl, but my thoughts were 'what about the girl - does she not matter?'


If somebody gets turned on by children sexually, then he or she should seek help. For their sake as much as the children potentially at risk.


You're lucky that beer and girls were your big decisions TSF - mine were more about surviving.

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I do think there is an element of truth in what the cardinal has said.

For me,it must be an illness but at the same time it is a very serious crime and very serious crimes deserve very serious punishments.

If there was a cure to be found for these people's actions/feelings you still wouldn't trust them on the outside so it seems to me that imprisonment is the only way.

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Always happy to answer questions.


I left home to play football in Cambridgeshire at 16, and decided that as well as playing football I wanted to do something that could both benefit me and my qualifications and help others.


I became interested in social work and worked as an auxiliary on a PICU unit (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit) and tried to make a difference in any way I could. Whether it be talking with patients or taking them out (the ones who were allowed out and not on Section Three's - meaning the ones who had to be locked up 24/7) and even now I still talk with a few former patients. Some have been in and out of the Mental Health system for years, and others I'm glad to say have got on and are living normal lives.


Whilst I have an interest in beer (more so real ale) and girls, I have also had a strong interest in trying to help others and leave the world a better place. Where I grew up, nobody was given a chance and people were expected to just go on the dole and booze and smoke their life away. I thought 'sod that' - I wanted more and thankfully through hard work I've made something of my life.


I'm from a Labour Heartland (Torfaen), and growing up in a dump where people were expected to vote Labour and be glad for what they had shaped my beliefs from an early age. That definitely swung my political beliefs towards the right and even from the age of 10 or so I was very much anti Europe and thought that Labour were scum. As for the paedophile castration, well there were a few paedophiles where I grew up and one of them raped a girl in my primary school. Every excuse under the sun was made for the sick b@stard who raped the girl, but my thoughts were 'what about the girl - does she not matter?'


If somebody gets turned on by children sexually, then he or she should seek help. For their sake as much as the children potentially at risk.


You're lucky that beer and girls were your big decisions TSF - mine were more about surviving.


My kids was brought up by parents that had strong socialist beliefs, and while we was careful not to indoctrinate them into our way of thinking, we always answered any questions as honestly as we could. I would have been mortified if one of them had thought our political opponents scum at ten years old.

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Different worlds and experiences though, Alan.


You would have had to have grown up where I did to see how bad things were, in order to understand how I and others felt.

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Very true Alan. A bad start does not have to mean a bad finish.


Anyway, back on topic, I hope the new Pope can be a credit to the Catholic Church.

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Very true Alan. A bad start does not have to mean a bad finish.


Anyway, back on topic, I hope the new Pope can be a credit to the Catholic Church.


I would rather the Catholic Church becomes a credit to the new Pope. I wouldn't put any money on that happening though.

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'Gods Bankers' haven't exactly got a good name, rich though they may be !!

Edited by Big J R
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I would rather the Catholic Church becomes a credit to the new Pope

Hell will probably freeze over before that happens

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Reminds me of the line in the XTC song 'The Ballad Of Peter Pumpkinhead':


'Fed the starving and housed the poor; showed the Vatican what gold's for.'

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