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Now I will never vote for the scum and while you are all unelectable and generally a mess I do think that a decent opposition is a good thing to keep our leader on his toes, however is Howard really your answer, another bald smarmy git. Only one person will save the tories and that's Ken Clark - Do yourselves a favour and get him as leader or prepare to die some more!


PS any posts about getting maggie back will be treated with the contempt they deserve!

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I agree with you EFM until the Tories can learn to tell lies about any and every subject and take at least 38/39% of the idiot voters along for the ride they have no chance

Their problem at present is spending too much time on policies that are intended to improve our lot? idiots

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if ken had dumped his zealous pro euro views he would be in charge right now and probably looking good for a close fought election.. un fortunatly he made a fatal mistake for a modern politician, he lacked flexibility.. compromise is everything in politics, the key to sucsess is to 'appear' not to (see maggie thatcher, blair, brown etc)

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Ken would have been my man but he at one time appeared to swallow the Blair all things to all men "follow me" syndrome

There is an Eton educated MP,editor I think called Johnson or similar who could be just the Blair opposite that could swing the odds by election time

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Given that he's been passed up for the City job, I wonder if Comrade Zeal would be interested in leading the Conservative Party?


Or perhaps it would be better for the EFM Party just to subsume the Conservative Party and change their manifesto to make them electable.


I think Prime Minister Zeal, EFM has an electable ring to it.



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