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Dreadful decision by Rotherham Borough Council

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Alan and political followers of the main two parties probably feel threatened by the UKIP,chances are that at the next election they will possibly be in with a shout of becoming the 3rd party,due to the liberals taking a hit due to their last election

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Unfortunately some of us do consider UkIP to be an extremist party, a party which seems to be based on the principle that we are British and we know better than our friends and allies from Europe, and even further afield.


It could well be argued that was the same tactics used by the Nazis when they convinced the German people that it was they who are the master race, and better than anyone else, and ethnic minorities like jews,gays and gypsies etc could be treated like dirt.


Is that the kind of society we want our children and future generations to inherit, and are these the kind of people we want to foster and mould our children into responsible adults that will hopefully support us in our old age. IMO the answer to that is a resounding no.


I've just had a quick look at their manifesto. I disagree with pretty much all of it (5 year freeze on immigration, preposterous), but I can't see anything there that would suggest that they are going to be the next Nazi party Alan. If you go down the route of banning people from being foster parents just because they hold different political views from yourself I think that also sets a dangerous precident. Do we start banning Muslins from being foster parents just because a very small percentage of the Muslim population hold extreme views?

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Cup of Tea, the problem with immigration here is that there is only so much space available. We're already over-populated and one estimate says that by 2025 there will be almost 80 million people living in the UK. That puts added pressure on resources, the environment and with economic stresses post recession (and more if we double-dip, as speculated) and so can we really fund an extra 10 million + people here?


If they are fleeing from terrorist atrocities then perhaps it's ok, although I'd rather them go to their nearest free country (as they are supposed to, or maybe let larger EU countries such as France and Germany take them in). Where I have a problem is when they are allowed in and given the creature comforts that most people work their asses off for. Our welfare state is already abused by scum who will never work a day in their life, even though they are perfectly capable of doing so. We don't need economic immigrants raping and pillaging our welfare state as well (in fact, sometimes, I think we should scrap the welfare system as it's become a joke - abused by parasites who have no intention of contributing to the money pot).


Whichever party is in power, they will HAVE TO ensure that more money is put back into the coffers than goes out. That is why I partly support the plans by Ian Duncan-Smith about welfare reform. Thanks to the incompetency of Labour, the gravy train has hit the buffers, and we are all going to have to go through hell before we are back at a decent financial position.

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i'm a member of the white,working class based in the south east no one has had their prospects more damaged in the lastfew years than me,now UKIP/BNP would tell me that this is down to mass immigration which in many ways it is but if you go back 10 yearsthere were plenty of jobs,did the 10 per cent of the UKs population who are professional ponces go and fill one of these vacancies? like fuk did they. this meant that the country had no choice but to bring in immigrants to fill the vacant job i dont blame immigration, i blame the 10 per cent of white, BRITISH people who have never worked and ponced off benefits from cradle to grave.

Edited by Basil-Don
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A VERY good point, Basil.


If I was Prime Minister, I would force all people to work. Even if you're in a wheelchair, or have mental health problems, there is a job for you out there somewhere. In turn, I would then give more money to the FSB to help people go into business for themselves.


Who cares if it's only sweeping the streets,cutting back hedges on roads, flipping burgers at McDonalds etc. it is a job, and you are contributing to your future via NI and also paying tax to the Government. No job is beneath you, if you are unemployed - and yes, I've had some crap jobs in my time. However, it got me to where I am today with my own business and new home which I own outright.

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Cup of Tea, the problem with immigration here is that there is only so much space available. We're already over-populated and one estimate says that by 2025 there will be almost 80 million people living in the UK. That puts added pressure on resources, the environment and with economic stresses post recession (and more if we double-dip, as speculated) and so can we really fund an extra 10 million + people here?


If they are fleeing from terrorist atrocities then perhaps it's ok, although I'd rather them go to their nearest free country (as they are supposed to, or maybe let larger EU countries such as France and Germany take them in). Where I have a problem is when they are allowed in and given the creature comforts that most people work their asses off for. Our welfare state is already abused by scum who will never work a day in their life, even though they are perfectly capable of doing so. We don't need economic immigrants raping and pillaging our welfare state as well (in fact, sometimes, I think we should scrap the welfare system as it's become a joke - abused by parasites who have no intention of contributing to the money pot).


Whichever party is in power, they will HAVE TO ensure that more money is put back into the coffers than goes out. That is why I partly support the plans by Ian Duncan-Smith about welfare reform. Thanks to the incompetency of Labour, the gravy train has hit the buffers, and we are all going to have to go through hell before we are back at a decent financial position.


The point I was actually going to make was people running from actrocities but you beat me to it! - I think you're also missing immigrants who have skills and abilities that add wealth to the nation. We also need to change the welfare state so it's more financially viable for people to work than not to work, then people in this country would be more prepared to take on the lower paid jobs and we wouldn't then need immigrants to come in and take them. Despite the credit crunch and the fallout from that, we are still a relatively wealthy nation. IDS needs to make sure that he doesn't burdent the most vunerable in society with his changes, I will need to see exactly what he's doing before passing judgement.

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I've just had a quick look at their manifesto. I disagree with pretty much all of it (5 year freeze on immigration, preposterous), but I can't see anything there that would suggest that they are going to be the next Nazi party Alan. If you go down the route of banning people from being foster parents just because they hold different political views from yourself I think that also sets a dangerous precident. Do we start banning Muslins from being foster parents just because a very small percentage of the Muslim population hold extreme views?


I would have thought it highly unlikely that the majority of decent Germans would have ever elected the Nazi Party had they known the eventual outcome. The fact that both UKIP and the Nazis are nationlistic right wing parties who blame non native inhabitants for everything thats wrong with their own country is a mistake that history has taught us should never be repeated.


Of coarse Muslims should be allowed to foster, although I do hold the view that older children should be placed with carers from a similar evironment to which they are familiar with, except obviously the offspring of career criminals or people with drug/alchohol problems etc.

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A bit unfair, Alan, we also blame the incompetent Illuminati puppets in Liebore and Condemned.

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In 2007 I had a triple heart bypass at Harefield Hospital. The surgeons were from UAE, the intensive care nurses were from Goa, Malysia, Nepal and Slovakia. The ward nurses were from Bangladesh, Russia, and Jamaica, and the physio was from Slovenia. On the fifth day there I actually encountered an English ward sister! (who was moonlighting at the weekend whilst doing her doctor training at Stoke Mandeville). Frankly I didn't care where any of them originated from; collectively they saved my life.


I spent my working life dealing with state benefits or health service issues, and believe me, every government since 1948 has had bold plans to cut the welfare/health budget - but none had got anywhere near doing it. Those immigrant workers at Harefield werent doing British people out of a job. They had been recruited because they could and would do the jobs.


Just withdrawing the state benefits system is just not an option - would you let the innocent children of people who will not or cannot work starve?



Edited by Horace
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A VERY good point, Basil.


If I was Prime Minister, I would force all people to work. Even if you're in a wheelchair, or have mental health problems, there is a job for you out there somewhere. In turn, I would then give more money to the FSB to help people go into business for themselves.


Who cares if it's only sweeping the streets,cutting back hedges on roads, flipping burgers at McDonalds etc. it is a job, and you are contributing to your future via NI and also paying tax to the Government. No job is beneath you, if you are unemployed - and yes, I've had some crap jobs in my time. However, it got me to where I am today with my own business and new home which I own outright.


so you agree that 99 per cent of this countrys problems are basically down to the British people and our governmant which begs the question why the obession with the EU?

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In 2007 I had a triple heart bypass at Harefield Hospital. The surgeons were from UAE, the intensive care nurses were from Goa, Malysia, Nepal and Slovakia. The ward nurses were from Bangladesh, Russia, and Jamaica, and the physio was from Slovenia. On the fifth day there I actually encountered an English ward sister! (who was moonlighting at the weekend whilst doing her doctor training at Stoke Mandeville). Frankly I didn't care where any of them originated from; collectively they saved my life.


The British nurses were probably all off sick on full pay.


Obviously many immigrants have came here to exploit the system and we have enough ponces of our own without importing foriegn ones,the fact is UKIP/BNP cant for one minute acknowledge the contribution many decent,hardworking immigrants have made to the UK.Yes a massive number have came in the last 10 years mainly to fill the jobs which UK benefit spongers wouldnt do.


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A VERY good point, Basil.


If I was Prime Minister, I would force all people to work. Even if you're in a wheelchair, or have mental health problems, there is a job for you out there somewhere. In turn, I would then give more money to the FSB to help people go into business for themselves.


Who cares if it's only sweeping the streets,cutting back hedges on roads, flipping burgers at McDonalds etc. it is a job, and you are contributing to your future via NI and also paying tax to the Government. No job is beneath you, if you are unemployed - and yes, I've had some crap jobs in my time. However, it got me to where I am today with my own business and new home which I own outright.




Arbeit macht frei.

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I would have thought it highly unlikely that the majority of decent Germans would have ever elected the Nazi Party had they known the eventual outcome. The fact that both UKIP and the Nazis are nationlistic right wing parties who blame non native inhabitants for everything thats wrong with their own country is a mistake that history has taught us should never be repeated.


Of coarse Muslims should be allowed to foster, although I do hold the view that older children should be placed with carers from a similar evironment to which they are familiar with, except obviously the offspring of career criminals or people with drug/alchohol problems etc.


I think the political situation in this country is vastly different to that of 1930's Germany. I don't consider UKIP a threat and I don't agree that their policies are anywhere near as right wing as the Nazi party (I'll Google it tonight to make sure). That's not complacency on my part, I really believe it. I think the impact of the Second World War on recent history is not going to be forgotten quickly.


i'm not defending UKIP but I think your comparisons are a little harsh. I also don't think they are ever going to get a great enough percentage of the vote in this country to have any say in who governs the country.

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I think the political situation in this country is vastly different to that of 1930's Germany. I don't consider UKIP a threat and I don't agree that their policies are anywhere near as right wing as the Nazi party (I'll Google it tonight to make sure). That's not complacency on my part, I really believe it. I think the impact of the Second World War on recent history is not going to be forgotten quickly.


i'm not defending UKIP but I think your comparisons are a little harsh. I also don't think they are ever going to get a great enough percentage of the vote in this country to have any say in who governs the country.


Obviously I don't have first hand experience but I doubt the german people knew what was in Hitlers mind for Europe when they elected his party in 1932 however this article explains why UKIP shares more with the far-right than it admits.



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so you agree that 99 per cent of this countrys problems are basically down to the British people and our governmant which begs the question why the obession with the EU?


The EU controls these idiots and erodes our sovereignty, and expects us to be happy to contribute millions towards funding it.

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Horace, first off I'm glad that those doctors and nurses did a great job with saving your life. I have no problem at all with any migrant who wants to come here legally, work and pay tax - they are more than welcome as far as I am concerned.


The problem is that we are too small a nation to support mass immigration,and eventually something will have to give. Do we stop immigration or do we boot the shirkers out? No doubt there will be people who say no to both, but tell me honestly what is the solution? We have too many people out of work, often refusing to work, and therefore have to look to bring more people in which increases the population and puts more pressure on the economy as money has to be found to pay them their wages etc.


Obviously, I would not want the welfare system to go - I just get angry when I hear about people who take tens of thousands in benefits and think it's ok not to give anything back. That then hikes up my tax and yours (and I've got yet another grovelling letter from the b*stards at HMRC this afternoon), squeezes the middle classes further and generally causes people to become p*ssed off and disillusioned.


In an ideal world (to quote The Christians) we would have near 100% employment of all over 16s (not counting those in further education or whom are physically and mentally not able to work after assessment) and therefore be paying lower taxes.


I believe in a fairer system which does not sideline the middle class, nor treats the traditional inhabitants of the country as second class citizens and treating them like idiots. Gordon Brown summed up politics during his 'bigot-gate blunder' - if you don't think how they think then you are wrong.

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Basil, withdrawal from EU control and manipulation is the first step.


Yes, that is our main target, but if you look at the UKIP policies you'll see that there is far more to them than just belly-aching about the morons in Brussels and Strasbourg.


If you knew just how much money was wasted by the incompetent bureaucrats in Brussels, then you'd have issues with them as well.

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Basil, withdrawal from EU control and manipulation is the first step.


Yes, that is our main target, but if you look at the UKIP policies you'll see that there is far more to them than just belly-aching about the morons in Brussels and Strasbourg.


If you knew just how much money was wasted by the incompetent bureaucrats in Brussels, then you'd have issues with them as well.


my god they sound almost as bad as our MP's in Westminister.


again i bang the same drum-who was it who created a welfare system which rewards the least deserving? not Brussels that was us.

who allows multi national companies to make millions of pounds profit in the UK and not pay a penny of corporation tax? now the french and the germans wouldnt put up with that so again we cant blame Brussels. strikes me most of our problems are off our own making and nobody elses.

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