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Feck me, what's been going on here ? First of all CB made some comments on here that could be classed as libellous. He believed them to be true & gave an honest, but mis-informed opinion. 99% of people on here would probably do the same if someone felt an underhand stunt had been pulled on them. For Ampthill to get fined is petty IMO.

I like Hoddesdon as a club & feel they have been shafted this summer with 2 clubs being reprieved from relegation & believe they wouldn't pull a stunt like that.

I Love Football, you're out of order. Fair enough defend your club to the hilt, but don't come out attacking other forum members just because you're not in agreement with them. I don't know if you're associated with Hoddy, but if so show a bit of class like Jonno & post intelligently. As for Loose, he's a good guy, & a mate & most members on here know who he is, that's why he is banging on about posts made anonymously. Far too often you get a newcomer on here & they go all gung-ho under their username & post poor banter & insults. Most of them hang around for a week or two & then are never to be seen again. Let's see if you will still be around when the season starts ehhh ?

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Can I just say to end this matter , I have spoke with l t g and he sounds like a top bloke who justs love ssml football , and it wasn't till speaking with I realised how stupid I and we are being , can I just say on the hoddesden matter I really have no problem with them what so ever , when we played them twice they were good games and we all got on , well the second was not so good for us lol but we still went and drank with them after game as they was a gret bunch , if you go back to my posts after that game you will see what I mean , whilst I was out in Florida and had a few drinks lol u thought it would be clever to go on forum and bring up what I got told by my chairman , who had been informed be ssml about hoddesden and ground grading . My MISTAKE I should of gone about this another way but me being me didn't , and I've not been charged for this it's because I said pricks . And I appologies for this . In the ideal world I should of said nothing as it would have had no effect on us being promoted . For the record I have gone not guilty on charge so I can get my chance to put things right with them and hopefully not get a £400 fine or more as this is what I got last time . Now I hope this don't take to long to read due to gramma and spelling lol .





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That's good stuff Craig, glad everything's cool. Maybe you can just straighten something out or maybe it's nothing but when I L F comes on last night he's huffing and puffing about how he's passed this news of Hoddy's supposed underhand behaviour (which we all know now was a mistake) on to his club, that his club then found out it wasn't true blah blah etc etc - I think I remember that right - but then you and I chat and you relate yours and his conversation to me where he has told you he's not actually with a club - he's actually a groundhopper. I'm sure there's an explanation in there somewhere why a guy would have two different stories.


Good to see you posting, let's have no more nonsense about you pi ssing off although I suppose an anonymous account on here could be useful sometimes ;)

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Loose stop trying to provoke me into another spat with you. I told Bicknell my name told him that I was part of a club but due to working on Saturdays in various parts of the southeast that I get to see many games at many different grounds. Yet you keep digging... The matter is over! What's your fascination with me still. Just concentrate on your regular posters as you clearly like things on here all your own way.


I have admitted that I have been foolish and slightly childish. What more do you want. I realise that you guys have a good relationship with each other and I respect that but maybe the fact that you gang up on people with a slightly zealous opinion is the reason nobody sticks around. Live and let live I say. It's not life or death so dont treat it like it is.


None of you thought I would phone him. You would have bashed me if I didn't and youre bashing me cos I did.


Again I'll state that it sems you like things all your own way as if you own the forum. I know I haven't got the best forum decorum but maybe when I get to post a much as you do I will chill out.


Next subject please, as if I offended anyone... I apologise. Is this ok now?

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Wow. I've adressed a question to Craig and your ego takes it as a personal affront.


I'm certain btw that Craig told me you didn't tell him your name but since I know him it's natural I'm sure you'll agree that I'd take that at face value.


I'm ok if you're really ok, I'm happy that what I said at the beginning was that a mistake had been made, but I'd hoped he wouldn't end up getting fined and you following your tete a tete seem to now state you share the same hope so what can the issue be?



Maybe as I said earlier it's just that we do get so many multiple identities on here and you seemed to make it so personal so quickly I mistrusted your agenda, anyway, who cares, sometimes a person's second ID is an improvement!


It's a bit bumpy on here at times and spectators like to have a moan but my theory is that everyone enjoys a car crash even if they won't admit it but instead gorge themselves on a bit of pontificating. Roll on the season when football is the only topic that occupies our minds and typing fingers.


All the best, enjoy!

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Friends now I hope,in the heat of the moment things get distorted.Wish Bicknell all the best in his dealings with the League.Loose and I love Football you have certainly kept us entertained,in quiet times.Maybe when you meet you can share a beer or 2.

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I stated a few posts ago that the issue was finished for me. You have it all to say. But you insist coming out on top. Who cares?


You have real thirst for all the info. Probably delving into all the facilities that allow you to see as much detail on someone on here (me). Asking people who have the resources to tell you who I am and give you as many clues as possible. That's what I cant stand because I have no interest in who you are, if you've had one two or even three ID's or what and when you've posted.


Looks like Craig has not got a problem with me anymore and I have no problem with him. He spoke like a top bloke and explained a few things to me.


On the subject of that conversation. Craig said he had no idea who you are... Not the foggiest in fact. Not a scooby...


Look, let's leave it. I've tried to apologise and if I'm honest I couldn't care less if you accept it or not as my conscience is clear.


Roll on the season. Good luck to all the teams in the SSMFL. I hope our teams do well in the FA Cup and Vase

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I honestly don't know what your problem is. I've simply explained my previous suspicion, I've wished you all the best etc etc and yet you still seem to have an issue. Obviously you're unhappy even to be met with accord so yes, it's time to leave it, I've not the least idea what the difference is between me saying that a mistake was made and a hope that a fine wouldn't be imposed and your saying what seems the same.


Please, by all means have the last word on the matter, I've wished you well, attempted to bury the hatchet but if you can do it better by all means the opportunity is yours.

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  On 08/07/2012 at 08:12, bicknell said:

Can I just say to end this matter , I have spoke with l t g and he sounds like a top bloke who justs love ssml football , and it wasn't till speaking with I realised how stupid I and we are being , can I just say on the hoddesden matter I really have no problem with them what so ever , when we played them twice they were good games and we all got on , well the second was not so good for us lol but we still went and drank with them after game as they was a gret bunch , if you go back to my posts after that game you will see what I mean , whilst I was out in Florida and had a few drinks lol u thought it would be clever to go on forum and bring up what I got told by my chairman , who had been informed be ssml about hoddesden and ground grading . My MISTAKE I should of gone about this another way but me being me didn't , and I've not been charged for this it's because I said pricks . And I appologies for this . In the ideal world I should of said nothing as it would have had no effect on us being promoted . For the record I have gone not guilty on charge so I can get my chance to put things right with them and hopefully not get a £400 fine or more as this is what I got last time . Now I hope this don't take to long to read due to gramma and spelling lol .


Nice post Craig, showed some class there. Good luck at the hearing, tell them you got duff information from Rhodes.


I've stayed out of the to and fro stuff on this thread but thanks to those who supported Hoddesdon, yaa boo sucks to those who didn't, and I hope now people realise that whilst we are not perfect, we are certainly above sneaky tactics and trying to drag down other clubs. When I heard the rumour I was horrified but thankfully, as I'd suspected, it wasnt true.


Let's get back to football.


Right then, who's winning Div 1 this year? I've got a pound on Winslow.

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  On 08/07/2012 at 15:06, Jonno said:
  On 08/07/2012 at 08:12, bicknell said:

Can I just say to end this matter , I have spoke with l t g and he sounds like a top bloke who justs love ssml football , and it wasn't till speaking with I realised how stupid I and we are being , can I just say on the hoddesden matter I really have no problem with them what so ever , when we played them twice they were good games and we all got on , well the second was not so good for us lol but we still went and drank with them after game as they was a gret bunch , if you go back to my posts after that game you will see what I mean , whilst I was out in Florida and had a few drinks lol u thought it would be clever to go on forum and bring up what I got told by my chairman , who had been informed be ssml about hoddesden and ground grading . My MISTAKE I should of gone about this another way but me being me didn't , and I've not been charged for this it's because I said pricks . And I appologies for this . In the ideal world I should of said nothing as it would have had no effect on us being promoted . For the record I have gone not guilty on charge so I can get my chance to put things right with them and hopefully not get a £400 fine or more as this is what I got last time . Now I hope this don't take to long to read due to gramma and spelling lol .


Nice post Craig, showed some class there. Good luck at the hearing, tell them you got duff information from Rhodes.


I've stayed out of the to and fro stuff on this thread but thanks to those who supported Hoddesdon, yaa boo sucks to those who didn't, and I hope now people realise that whilst we are not perfect, we are certainly above sneaky tactics and trying to drag down other clubs. When I heard the rumour I was horrified but thankfully, as I'd suspected, it wasnt true.


Let's get back to football.


Right then, who's winning Div 1 this year? I've got a pound on Winslow.

Hahaha well I'll see your one and raise you ten for Hoddesdon to claim it.

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On last years efforts, I believe Kings Langley will be strong if they keep their squad. I hope it's tight this year. Looks like Wodson might struggle after CM took the Ware job. I can see Hoddesdon doing well. Cockfosters I believe are looking to take Hoddys scraps from last year. Harpenden might have a say in all this to be fair. Not very pleasant place to play... I just hope it's good

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I agree with everyone you mention ILF. I think they all have a sniff on top of one or two others plus the odd dark horse.


Looking forward to it already. Made a couple of really good signings yesterday to strengthen last seasons squad. I'll announce them in due course.

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Crawley Green have to be worth a shout after their form once Shrieves took over if they carry that on and strengthen they won't lose many games

Edited by Winslow Boy
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