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Was the post in a official capacity of the club or was it your individual personal opinion ?

The SSML would be wise to heed the #twitterjoketrial opinions. More info see bit.ly/be8ike

Difficult to see how they can sustain such a course of action in view of this if you were on a frolic of your own? You have a right of free speech under Article 10 of the ECHR. Advice would be for you to put the SSML to proof as to how they have jurisdiction over your personal opinion. If however you speak on behalf of the club in some capacity it may be more difficult.


Surely rule 8.21 is aspirational "nothing should be included on the website or similar computer related information system"

Can they satisfy themselves that any post you make as an individual with the rights of ECGR article 10 falls within their rule ?

Is this forum within that definition and is your message bringing anything into disrepute where it is just an opinion, right, wrong or otherwise. Thin ice me thinks


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So you haven't forgotten that your remarks on this forum about Oxhey Jets when you were a Club Official with Kentish Town resulted in a fine from the London FA.

I really don't know what all the fuss was about, Kentish Town said that they thought I should have paid the fine but they never approached me to do so

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So you haven't forgotten that your remarks on this forum about Oxhey Jets when you were a Club Official with Kentish Town resulted in a fine from the London FA.

I really don't know what all the fuss was about, Kentish Town said that they thought I should have paid the fine but they never approached me to do so


1. The comments that you made.


2. The fine that the London FA imposed.

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1. The comments that you made

I only commented on what I had heard

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And there in lies the problem cliff. Commenting on what you have heard rather than investigating the facts first is what seems to be tripping people up on here.

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To be fair the likes of Craig Bicknell, Ref Off Ref and Mr Angry do use some strong and in-appropriate language on here whereas other Club's put their points across more eloquently, it can't just be coincidence that they're all from the same Club

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So you haven't forgotten that your remarks on this forum about Oxhey Jets when you were a Club Official with Kentish Town resulted in a fine from the London FA.

I really don't know what all the fuss was about, Kentish Town said that they thought I should have paid the fine but they never approached me to do so


They probably expected you to do the decent thing which 999,999 people out of a million would do, when they realised that you weren't going to they obviously recognised you for the scum you are, cut you off at the knees by sacking you and pragmatically went about their business.

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So you haven't forgotten that your remarks on this forum about Oxhey Jets when you were a Club Official with Kentish Town resulted in a fine from the London FA.

I really don't know what all the fuss was about, Kentish Town said that they thought I should have paid the fine but they never approached me to do so


They probably expected you to do the decent thing which 999,999 people out of a million would do, when they realised that you weren't going to they obviously recognised you for the scum you are, cut you off at the knees by sacking you and pragmatically went about their business.


Rhodes definitely is a one in a million. No doubt he will take this as a compliment.

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I have very much enjoyed reading this thread.


ps. Jonno is a legend.


Another one of Jonno's usernames....

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Simple really if you are a club official, manager etc be careful what you say.

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Simple really if you are a club official, manager etc 'do not make slanderous or insulting comments.'


So calling someone thick would be insulting wouldn't it?

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they obviously recognised you for the scum you are

Loosely – I think that’s a little harsh, I actually did a lot for Kentish Town in the time I was with the Club but they threw, sorry, chucked it back in my face

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In your post you insult Hoddesdon Town by calling them, "Sad sad pricks".


As a Club Official you represent your team when making comments on this or any other forum.


Obviously you did not learn your lesson from your previous fine.


How much this time?


Pete,,,,,,,,,get a feckin life


everyone knows Hoddy are so far up the committees ar5e its untrue


feck them....feck Roger


and when they get a ground they dont share with a cricket club maybe they could be deemed as premier potential


Can you explain why you have bracketed me with Hoddesdon Town?

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We all know that you're in cahoots with any team that starts with an 'H' !

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NeutralFan - Yes and one Club in particular!

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