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Tube drivers & Olympics

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This news has really astounded me. Why are the tube drivers receiving extra money juat to do their job over the olympics ?

I know they are already very very well paid & can have distressing situations when weak people jump in front of their trains but i am not receiving extra money to monitor illegal parking over the olympics.

Working for Hackney Council, I will be working many many hours overtime but the train drivers will get extra money for the same hours, that makes me sad. The Council already have Nigerian, Ghanaian & even German Traffic Wardens, but for the olympics they are taking on a temporary workforce of Polish, Albanians & Romanians.

This is what Mr Basil means i think, we he sees our country getting overrun with foreigners. They are coming over here & taking our jobs these europeans. Something should be done about it. I think i will lobby my MP Miss Diane, She is a lovely lady.

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I am having lots of trouble with the polish and the romaninans in my shop they are buying only the cheap brands and stealing the expensive ones. I agree with Mr Olafobi that we do not need these people in our country or driving our tubes because all they are doing is sending most of their money home and then bringing their families here to do more stealing and taking our jobs. Britain for the british is my mottoe. By the way Mr Olafobi are you not on bonuses for ticketing more cars then you are targeted to ticket, isnt that as bad as claiming overtime because the olympics will bring more cars for you and your colleagues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why are the tube drivers receiving extra money juat to do their job over the olympics ?

It's called holding London to ransom, which unfortunately sometimes happens, but I'm sure it will all blow over come the time of the Olympics.

Talking of the tube has anybody been watching the fascinating programme on tv called 'The Tube', we think we simply tap our Oyster cards in, travel from a to b and tap out again but there's a hell of a lot more to it than just that.

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Once again Alan you prove how out of touch you are with the real world.

We host a major event and the poor tube drivers etc want more money for doing what they are supposed to be doing.If they have to do a bit of overtime it should be at the normal rate,it's a normal working day!!

You know my take on unions,the ideology is fine,nothing wrong with having someone to take a stance on your behalf should problems arise but the unions are camped far too closely to labour (who are even starting to lose patience with them) that every single balot is aimed at disrupting a Tory regime.

I have a couple of friends,husband and White,he is blue,she is northern and staunch labour and a unionist,both work for the underground as station staff and even they and the majority of other station staff are appalled at this stance by this particular union and it's members.They can see the unions getting greedier and greedier by the minute.

You say about an event organiser earning 700k but I wouldn't mind betting there's a few union top brass on close to that per annul,but that's ok is it as they don't come from Eton???

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Once again Alan you prove how out of touch you are with the real world.

We host a major event and the poor tube drivers etc want more money for doing what they are supposed to be doing.If they have to do a bit of overtime it should be at the normal rate,it's a normal working day!!

You know my take on unions,the ideology is fine,nothing wrong with having someone to take a stance on your behalf should problems arise but the unions are camped far too closely to labour (who are even starting to lose patience with them) that every single balot is aimed at disrupting a Tory regime.

I have a couple of friends,husband and White,he is blue,she is northern and staunch labour and a unionist,both work for the underground as station staff and even they and the majority of other station staff are appalled at this stance by this particular union and it's members.They can see the unions getting greedier and greedier by the minute.

You say about an event organiser earning 700k but I wouldn't mind betting there's a few union top brass on close to that per annul,but that's ok is it as they don't come from Eton???


Bit odd for a self employed taxi driver who can dictate your own rates to call the tube drivers greedy IMO. The highly qualified London black cab drivers are asking to be allowed to increase their fares by 20% plus, for the duration of the Olympics, and I would imagine the majority of mini cab drivers will do likewise if the London cabbies get what they want.

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Who says i dictate my own rates,the current financial climate and the market at the time dictate what i charge.

The black cab drivers may be asking for it but they will not get it and will not strike when they get refused.If cab companies want to charge more while the olympics are on then thats upto them,its not something i will be doing,why alienate people for 2/3 weeks when my customers are there hopefully for a lifetime.The greedy ones invariably fail when the greed becomes too much.

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if eastside urchin wants to take the pis5 over the olympics thats his choice,supply and demand,the fact is one week after the olympics if he decides to have a week off 'sick' as no doubt many tube drivers will do the i wont be subsidising him.i dont care less how the man runs his business as long as he doesnt ask me the taxpayer to pay for his perks and he doesnt try to hold the country to ransom.Unions are the most reactionary,right wing,self serving clunts ever to exist. how EU runs his business is none of my business until the taxpayer starts funding it.

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And the taxpayer doesn't fund me unlike the tube drivers and the service they are supposed to be providing.

Just another bunch of greedy workers who can see by holding the government to ransom they can make a few bob.

Oh how i long for a tory leader who would smash such idiotic unions and their members,seems like such a long time ago since we had one of those.

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And the taxpayer doesn't fund me unlike the tube drivers and the service they are supposed to be providing.

Just another bunch of greedy workers who can see by holding the government to ransom they can make a few bob.

Oh how i long for a tory leader who would smash such idiotic unions and their members,seems like such a long time ago since we had one of those.



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