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The silicon chip inside his head is switched to overload...

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I thought about this and I reckon it is to do with the pathetic gates we get on Tuesday's.

If you didn't go last or most Tuesday's simply because you couldn't be bothered,either because it was too cold,you stayed in to watch football or any other pathetic reason you couldn't make it you should hang your head in shame,this club has a fantastic chance of going up and I am afraid it is being let down by a large proportion of it's fans.

We should be getting 300 plus this time of season and we are not on Tuesday's.One last Tuesday night game,home to Margate,if we get a paltry gate for that and we are still up the top of the table I think I will give up.

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If fans like you give up then there is no hope. I saw Charlton Athletic had entry for £5 recently and they got I think 26,000 v Stevenage (not the most attractive fixture). Also Southend Utd did the £5 and even West Ham and Dagenham are doing kids for a quid. They cant do this for every match but will hope that a proportion of those that do not normally go will like what they see and go again.

Also add on programme sales and food etc.


The truth is most clubs are finding it difficult to retain support let alone attract NEW paying fans.


We must appreciate that times are hard for everyone and perhaps midweek at least there should be 2 for 1 or £5 or something/ anything.

Three home games in a month could mean up to £50 outlay, not realistic I'm afraid.

Edited by obis
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I propose for the remainder of the season and the promotion push that all u16 be admitted for 1p if accompanied by an adult.


Football for A Penny ! What have we got to lose!

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I agree,I actually think under 16's should be allowed entry for nothing all season.

It's the only way you are going to pick up fans this age,yes we do have a few younger fans but not many considering the size of the area.

Youth is the future but the youth would rather sit at home watching champions league than part with a couple of quid,have it free entry and you may just entice a few down,out of those few,a few may stick around for life

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Let's get it on. 'Kids for Free'' Great story for the Recorder, Yellow Avertiser Essex Radio, Time FM. Email schools, local youth soccer teams etc


(they'll buy a burger)

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I definatly think the club should offer free entry to kids for the Cray game,i would also go as far as to offer entry for £5 to all adults and £1 for OAPS

I reckon you would get a massive crowd or at least one big enough to compensate the loss of gate revenue.

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Let me in for a quid and I can afford a couple of hens

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