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Happy Indepence Day Ghana !

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as if we havent got enough problems in the UK with the CoE and the padeophille ring more commonly known as the Roman Catholic Church we are perfectly happy to import Africans stuck in the middle ages and Woman hating Muslims,then of course we have the Sikhs/Hindus who seem to take great delight in murdering their own daughters and wifes.

Oh vot a Bigot vou are Basilbrush. I betz you vish for zi good old dayz ven it voz only no blackz, no dogz and no Irish?

You are a very rude fellow Mr Panther I would not be surprised if Mr BasilDon was offended and you would be hearing from his solicitor. You know that these sikhs and hindus are devious and as in the case of Richard Smith http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/8961851/What-drives-a-father-to-kill.html who not only killed his wife and children was also masquerading as a British person. It is the only possible answer to unmask all these hindus and sikhs before they start to kill everyone. Mr BasilDon, please tell us more about this woman who is hating the muslims surely she deserves a pat on the back.

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yes sometimes white british people kill their wifes and daughters but its hardly at the same rate as Asians with their 'Honour Killings' are we going to silly and dispute this simple fact? Unless im very much mistaken muslims believe that women should be kept covered up from head to toe otherwise they will be raped and only have themselves to blame,women can walk the streets of Basildon naked as indeed they often do on a friday night but i cant help thinking that if i rape one of them then basically thats my fault not theirs,oh what controversial views !!

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But Mr BasilDon I had thought that we were not being reasonable and instead just generalising. Changing the rules now is going to be confusing to some of us. So why are we worried about women hating muslims, it sounds as if they have good reason but this must not lead you to thoughts of raping them, that would be sad.Thank the lord we are living in Britain where we have never gone around raping our women or forcing them to cover themselves head to toes in material.

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Mr Basil Sir, why do you make such sweeping generalisations against so many other cultures ?

You are showing many many more prejudices than the one you are accusing Africans of. Please accept that we are not all like the nasty Joseph Kony. You & Mr Hooky keep going on about homphobia, have you been a victim of this or are you & Mr Hooky in a civil partnership together ?

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at least Basilbrush havez sum brainz unlike Hookey who doez not know ist arze from ist elbow


How very dare you sir.




Edited by Hookey
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Mr Basil Sir, why do you make such sweeping generalisations against so many other cultures ?

You are showing many many more prejudices than the one you are accusing Africans of. Please accept that we are not all like the nasty Joseph Kony. You & Mr Hooky keep going on about homphobia, have you been a victim of this or are you & Mr Hooky in a civil partnership together ?


When did I mention homophobia?

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Mr Basil Sir, why do you make such sweeping generalisations against so many other cultures ?

You are showing many many more prejudices than the one you are accusing Africans of. Please accept that we are not all like the nasty Joseph Kony. You & Mr Hooky keep going on about homphobia, have you been a victim of this or are you & Mr Hooky in a civil partnership together ?


Mr Olafobi this is something no proper british man does. It is none of our business whether they are in a civil partnership, they might be in the wardrobe and it is their decision to come out of the wardrobe or not. Let us not speak of this again unless Mr BasilDon and Mr Hookey indicate they are happy to discuss it.

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Mr Eze my friend, you are right, i get sooooo carried away when defending my heritage. Although a proud Nigerian, I am also a very proud Englishman, hacing been born & raised in Hackney.

It is none of my business, unless they are going around buying babies like Mr Elton & Mr David. I used to like Mr Elton & his Very Very Big Glasses.

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Mr Eze my friend, you are right, i get sooooo carried away when defending my heritage. Although a proud Nigerian, I am also a very proud Englishman, hacing been born & raised in Hackney.

It is none of my business, unless they are going around buying babies like Mr Elton & Mr David. I used to like Mr Elton & his Very Very Big Glasses.


PMSL, well my son and his girlfriend are going to make me a Granddad sometime in April (Please God), so I won't need to buy one. I can also confirm that Mr Basil Don and myself are both screaming heterosexuals. :D

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There you see Mr Olafobi Mr Hookey has quite rightly decided that he is staying in the wardrobe and that is his right. I used to like Mr Eltons records until my son started playing one of his records I think it was Yeloow Brick Road backwards and I clearly hear a voice saying kill Maggie, kill Maggie over and over which is very bad. I like the records of Miss Celine Dion now which are very soothing after a hard day in the shop.

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im not a sodomite,im a Liberal in the old fashioned sense of the word,most Liberals nowdays find myself in a pickle on comptemporary issues i dont,really dont want a high number of Muslims,Hindus,sikhs or indeed African Christians in the country,proud to say that such beliefs hold very little sway with the indigenous population so why would i want immigrants to import such nonsense into our secular state.

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Mr Eze my friend, you are right, i get sooooo carried away when defending my heritage. Although a proud Nigerian, I am also a very proud Englishman, hacing been born & raised in Hackney.

It is none of my business, unless they are going around buying babies like Mr Elton & Mr David. I used to like Mr Elton & his Very Very Big Glasses.


PMSL, well my son and his girlfriend are going to make me a Granddad sometime in April (Please God), so I won't need to buy one. I can also confirm that Mr Basil Don and myself are both screaming heterosexuals. :D

My Gott! Mr Hooker andz Mr Basilbrush declare zay are not zi sausage jockey. Alzo it ist no concernz of mine. Roadz and mrs Horace alzo tellz me they are notz Marmite Minerz also. buttz zer Boyfriendz are. Enough of ziz. Vy are we discussingz zi banana balancerz Ven Mr Olifabi Dingdong only vants to discuzz zi Ghana independence day. I am zo mad of ziz vebsite i shall be puttingz many parkingz ticketz on cars tomorrow.

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Mr Hookey Sir, please forgive me. I get soooo confused with all these posts. I only wanted to wish Ghana a Happy Independance Day & all of a sudden to the subject goes onto witchcraft & homophobia. I think it may have been your partner Mr Basil who changed the subject.

Thank youz fellow traffic varden. I am alzo gettingz very confused beingz a new comerz to zis vonderfull cuntry. I thoughtz vi was disscuzzinz Ghana independence dayz. I dont understandz zis talk of Aids say talkz about alzo a friendz of mine sayz it standz fo A.sshole I.njected D.eath S.entence. Vy iwe discuzzinz muslims aNDZ murder on zis wondefullindependence day for Ghana. I am so upset i go [****!!****] on my next door neighbours front doorstepz.Dontz worry mr ezy my neibourz is from De congo and love zi smellz of human shitz. He ist not intellecualz like us nigerianz and Ghana and germanz.

Edited by Pink Panther
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