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Trevor Wright Says....


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So Trevor Wright is “confident that Chelmsford City will be playing within the boundaries of Chelmsford next season" as told to an open meeting of City supporters last night, according to www.nonleaguedaily.com


More interestingly a question was raised from the floor regarding the quality of the playing surface at New Lodge. Wright agreed that it was as bad a pitch as seen at this level but claimed that there was not much that could be done about it in the foreseeable future. "It is not a pitch conducive to good football, and in fact Nuneaton Borough recently refused to play on it. But we are not in control of pitch preparation. That is all done by Billericay Town so we will have to play on what we are given," admitted Wright,


Doesn’t really help our own cause at the moment does it? If others find it difficult to play on our pitch, how do our own players feel about it I wonder? Would a better surface be more conducive to our style of play, would we be able to pick up more points at home and get a lift off of the bottom of the league, can we supporters offer to do anything to help?…. Answers on a postcard, or more likely replies to this posting…


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The pitch is bad, that I will agree with and I would think that the hot weather we had during the summer made it a nightmare to keep it up to scratch. I would love to know what made those tram lines...Anyway, I digress


I thought that Chelmsford City had their own groundsman to help out with the playing surface, so any complaints about the pitch should be shared and not just laid at Billericays door, unless, to cut costs, they got rid of him.


As for the comment that a better surface would suit us better, yes it would and I have no idea why the pitch has got to such a poor condition (as I said, the hot summer didn't help). We used to have an okay playing surface, not the best but certainly not the worst.


I'm knocking our groundsman here, as, under some quite difficult conditions, he has done us proud in the past (we have never suffered from the amount of postponed match's that usually dog the likes of Borehamwood or Hendon, when winter in in full flow).

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with regard to the pitch i believe that we elected not to water it during the incredibly long and hot summer as to keep it watered would have cost something in the region of £100 per day. its unfortunate that its been so dry for so long which has made the matter worse altho judging by the amount of time the ball was in flight during tuesdays game it shouldnt make much difference!!!

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Who the [***!!***] is Trevor Wright? If he wants an improvement in the pitch then he can either stump up some cash or come down to New Lodge and perform a raindance. Gazza, the lines on the pitch are to do with the drainage. Lack of rain makes them visible. As you said Gaz, the amount of postponed games over the years has been minimal considering we have City & reserves playing on it as well, thanks in no small part to the drainage system and the amount of work John Mason has put in over the years. I don't suppose this Wrighty bloke mentioned that did he? Cant!!

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Referring to what I said in the Edinburgh thread, playing week in, week out on a good quality pitch instead of every other week or so may have helped the teams form as they would have been allowed consistency and not kept going from good pitch to bad pitch.


Hmm, not sure that made a great deal of sense but I know what I mean.

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