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Essex Senior Cup Final


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The word from a "reliable source" :smilewinkgrin: is that the date is correct. There is some debate over the venue currently I'm led to believe.



Confirmed as Monday 11th April




Thurrock FC

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Nice to see they have given you one of essex' premier stadiums to play their showcase event at




100% better than where they wanted to stage it mate ;-)

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Lol,where was that then???


Lol,where was that then???

And if you say our place,I agree

County cup finals should be played on one of the top grounds in the county


Your place....


I think we're happy with Thurrock. It'll be nice to play it at Colchester, Southend or even Daggers but the Essex FA have costs to be taken into consideration...


Hang on...I've mentioned costs in reply to an Urchin :doh:

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Yes,had me in stitches,just recovered after 24 hours of constant laughing,you are a funny fella gazza.The world would be a worse place without you.


My suggestion was that fans should get to sample a league ground as a final,it would be a nice evening out for some of your junior fans and their friends who may not be regulars at your club,let's face it,Thurrock is not a bad non league ground but it's hardly full of the mod cons,when we played the ESC Final a few years back it was a cracking night made all the better for winning it on a ground that ryman clubs tend to dream of playing at

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