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Ed Milibrand

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The media has its own agenda, so I think they will want to attack UKIP more than the so-called 'established parties.'


The bookies may well be saying it, but when he's not even well liked by his own party and seen as a bit of a prat by people how is Ed Miliband going to market himself as Prime Minister?  The Unions don't like him, he's got the charisma of a dead flea - seriously, is he the best that Labour can offer (actually, when you look at who else Labour have in their 'front row' - Harman, Balls, Cooper, Jowell - they don't have a mature and sensible leader).  


The only Labour person I have ever thought of as having 'clout' was John Smith.  A proper socialist, and would have been a decent PM. 

Can't argue about John Smith but the whole UKIP party are just a bunch of idiots. Imagine what it will be like when everyone in it realises they don't all share an agenda! Woo hoo!

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We do have a few cretins in UKIP, admittedly, but then again every political party has idiots in it.  Indeed, were it not for the idiots and QUANGO's and think-tanks screwing up the UK and letting us be shafted by all and sundry there would be no need for UKIP.  


Despite Godfrey Bloom's actions, I will still be supporting them.  

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We do have a few cretins in UKIP, admittedly, but then again every political party has idiots in it.  Indeed, were it not for the idiots and QUANGO's and think-tanks screwing up the UK and letting us be shafted by all and sundry there would be no need for UKIP.  


Despite Godfrey Bloom's actions, I will still be supporting them.  

I think that all UKIP have proved so far is that in fact they are no different to any other party Adam. What is more concerning at present is that Farage as bad as he is, is probably just the "acceptable" face of UKIP and he won't last long if they gathered any momentum.

Edited by Loose
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I'm sorry. So the not thick as s**t ones are UKIP supporters?


Good one Adam. 


Tell me about that UKIP MEP that made those erudite comments about "sluts" will ya?


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



Not so much for the 'sluts' comment  -  More for assaulting that prat of a reporter who called him a racist.


Actually, I thought the idiot deserved it.  Channel 4 is SO anti-UKIP.  Maybe that proves they are worried about UKIP's future success ??

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He is the modern version of the ginger pillock from Islwyn.


The usual suspects who would vote for him anyway will claim he is popular but in the end the people know he is a false prophet selling the same lie.
For proof of this, look no further than the Liberal Democrats!  For decades preached a populist policy knowing they would never be called out - then they find themselves in coalition and have to reveal that all the promises cannot be sustained or delivered.
The truth is that most people are as thick as s**t, and if you tell them an attractive lie they will vote for it, even if it can't be delivered.  Yes, before certain people say 'well isn't that what Nigel Farage could do' he has FAR further to fall than Dave and Ed.  If UKIP win and then go back on their promises, the people's patience will wear thin very quickly.  Nigel has set his stall out and most people (even non-UKIP voters) can see that most of the policies are perfectly sensible.  As for LibLabCon, all you'll get is the same broken promises, spin and drivel.




The ginger pillock was interviewed briefly on the Channel 4 news last night.


He must now be re-branded the white-haired pillock from Islwyn.


Incidently  -  Is he and his wife still extracting/extorting large sums of money on the pretence of being something to do with the EU ??

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The ginger pillock was interviewed briefly on the Channel 4 news last night.


He must now be re-branded the white-haired pillock from Islwyn.


Incidently  -  Is he and his wife still extracting/extorting large sums of money on the pretence of being something to do with the EU ??

The Kinnocks are now retired, but I am sure you will be delighted to know that your very own Nigel Farage is still extracting extortionate sums of money from the EU budget, which is partly funded by the British taxpayer.

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Say 'slut' at a party conference and get mobbed. Say 'price freeze', wipe £bns off market + undermine investment: standing ovation.

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I think that all UKIP have proved so far is that in fact they are no different to any other party Adam. What is more concerning at present is that Farage as bad as he is, is probably just the "acceptable" face of UKIP and he won't last long if they gathered any momentum.


You don't get the same rhetoric with UKIP as you do with LibLabCon though, and at least UKIP are prepared to speak out on behalf of the public who are pig-sick of being branded bigots, homophobes, racists and politically incorrect just because they do not 'fall in line' with 'trendy thinking'.  I believe that people should be allowed to wear crucifixes around their neck just as much as I believe that gay people should be allowed to hold hands in public.  I am an equalist, I guess.


All that I want is a fair and just society where democracy is for everybody and not just a few.  Plus, a cut in my tax would go down great as well!

Edited by Zippy
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Say 'slut' at a party conference and get mobbed. Say 'price freeze', wipe £bns off market + undermine investment: standing ovation.

Make a joke about "sluts" and you show that you're not fit to represent a constituency for a party. Perhaps demonstrates an inability to govern. Got a way to go yet before they do.


If it's not plain to everyone including the most rabid right wingers wages haven't kept pace with price increases. Infrastructure investment hasn't kept pace with demand on service. Pensioners may rely on stock dividends but if organisations cannot be responsible then the Govt. of the day needs to step in. In my view privatisation of utilities has bought none of the benefits that advocates and lobbyists for said organisations promised and it's a failed experiment that needs rectifying, re-nationalisation. It is way past time that this country's resources were managed to the benefit of all and the wealth shared not squandered  on fat cats.

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'It is way past time that this country's resources were managed to the benefit of all and the wealth shared not squandered on fat cats.'


Could not agree more, and less spending on bureaucracy would be good as well.


Going back to Godfrey Bloom and the 'slut' comment, yes it was a bit silly but it was said in a closed meeting and none of the women present were offended.  Again, BBC/Sky/Channel 4 and all the other UKIP haters won't report that fact.  


Besides, Godfrey Bloom being a bit of a tit is nothing compared to bullies forcibly removing a long standing voter from an auditorium because he called Jack Straw a liar.  


One thing I am looking forward to is that this will be the first time ever that we have had four big political parties going for votes at the next General Election.  UKIP are now in the Premier League of Politics and aren't going away any time soon.  

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'It is way past time that this country's resources were managed to the benefit of all and the wealth shared not squandered on fat cats.'


Could not agree more, and less spending on bureaucracy would be good as well.


Going back to Godfrey Bloom and the 'slut' comment, yes it was a bit silly but it was said in a closed meeting and none of the women present were offended.  Again, BBC/Sky/Channel 4 and all the other UKIP haters won't report that fact.  


Besides, Godfrey Bloom being a bit of a tit is nothing compared to bullies forcibly removing a long standing voter from an auditorium because he called Jack Straw a liar.  


One thing I am looking forward to is that this will be the first time ever that we have had four big political parties going for votes at the next General Election.  UKIP are now in the Premier League of Politics and aren't going away any time soon.  

The Green Party is still a bigger party than UKIP, and the excellent Caroline Lucas is intellectually and morally superior to the buffoon Farage in every possible way. The SNP could possibly hold the balance of power, as IMO the treacherous LibDems are already a spent force and will be wiped out, and UKIP will be exposed as the loonbags they really are.

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The Green Party is still a bigger party than UKIP, and the excellent Caroline Lucas is intellectually and morally superior to the buffoon Farage in every possible way. The SNP could possibly hold the balance of power, as IMO the treacherous LibDems are already a spent force and will be wiped out, and UKIP will be exposed as the loonbags they really are.


I don't agree with her on some issues but she is certainly more forward thinking then Nigel Farage could ever be. Press will destroy UKIP.

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I think that the press will try to, but I can't see UKIP retrenching any time soon.


As for the Greens, well leaving the recent arrest of Ms. Lucas aside they seem to be a bit of a muddle - they want wind-farms erected on hill sides which cause major carbon footprints and have not spoken out against the proposed destruction of the Elan Valley in mid-Wales, where there would be ginormous turbines stretching all the way from Rhayader to Swansea.  The local people there don't want it but have been done up like proverbial kippers.


However, mention fracking and they are dead against this abomination which they view as environmentally unfriendly.  So how can they be pro wind-farms which cost a lot to put up, have major carbon footprints (putting access roads in, concrete in the soil etc.) spoil the view, have to be replaced every 25 years, don't work when the wind is blowing in the wrong direction (I have actually heard this excuse!) and have also killed Birds of Prey - and yet against fracking?  


Also, looking at what the Greens want, their policies would see the amount of tax we pay doubled almost overnight.  


Nigel Farage may not be as 'hip' or 'forward thinking' - and I think that is the main thing people respect him for.  Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards - society at the moment is far too liberal and we need to take a few steps back and realise that we can't have everything our way.  The days of plenty are over for us all, so we now need to be slightly more conservative (with a small 'c') and realise that we have a great country worth fighting for and not totally surrendering to the EU because 'it's cool to do so.'

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I mean Farage is a caricature.....


I agree he can come across that way.


However, NF has said that he would stand down if more people joined the UKIP cause.  He certainly will not be short of people to put out nationally in the next General Election.

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Well, that's Crockenhill added to UKIP territory :)


Small steps first ;)

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Not saying I agree with the Policies of UKIP but I do think they are being vastly underrated.I believe that the public are getting extremely fed up with the two main parties and the lib dems and the press who nail their masts to whatever party they fancy at whatever time.

Let's face it,UKIP are probably never going to be one of the two major parties but they could challenge the lib dems unless they get their act together.Just maybe the people of Britain are getting fed up with the mud that the two and the press keep slinging and it could well play into UKIPs hands

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