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Where are they now?

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As my old Grandad used to say 'one swallow does not make a summer'.


We were playing Farnborough Town, who like ourselves are likely to struggle in this league. There were some positives yesterday, but I can't help thinking this win is just 'papering over the cracks'.


I am still convinced this Club needs a change in direction as far as the Management is concerned. This is my oppinion only and doubtless others will disagree.

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I travelled up from cardiff on Saturday after spending 25.00 on admission my mood after the game was as bleak as I can remember I have to say that it was the worse performance I have seen from a Fleet team in a long time. I couldn't see where we were going to get a win...


Off I went to Cardiff on Monday to se them play Derby the total admission was 30.00 what a cracking game.


On the way home was so pleased to see the Fleet had won.


The message I am trying to get over is that no matter what the cost is and the amount of travelling it you are a true Fleet supporter you will follow them thought thick and thin and I can certainly remember the thin times.


Hopefully the forum will be productive and that those who attend will hear what Andy has to say and not turn it into a slagging off session.


As mentioned earlier is could be worse we could be Margit

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Hi Andy. You are a top man - thanks for listening... I thought I was talking to myself!


To take a couple of points you make:


1. There is no suggestion that you are any les of a supporter for missing a game or a forum. Ray Ellingham lives in Wales and I know he is as big a supporter as any of us;


2.Don't know about the format at the forum. I believe it has been put together by Glenn Aitken(who knows a thing or two about business seminars). I don't think there's anything suspicious in it other than an attempt to improve communication. Glenn told me he wants to make them regular;


3.I hope you don't think that my postings have been rubbishing people for expressing their opinion to propogate the "evertything in the garden is rosy" theory. My only criticism of some of the harsher postings is that they are made anonymously. People like you, Jessica and a few others have no problem expressing your views - however controversial - and being identified with them. I think its cowardly to take a pop and hide behind a pseudenym. If people are big enough to express hard opinions they should be big enough to put their name to them and be identified. This website should be for OPEN debate about the club but everybody should have the courage of their convictions and say who they are.To be honest I know there are some of my closest friends in this category and I think their behaviour stinks coz I know who they are , what they are writing and what their pseudenyms are. Oh, by the way, do they realise they can be "outed" through technical wizardry? Let everybody have their say, even if it is disagreeable but don't abuse freedom of speech by hiding. Andy showed great balls in agreeing to face a forum when the team were pointless at the bottom of the table. Let's see if all of his critics have the balls to reveal themselves in public.


4. Re yesterday's report, the first half hour was two crap teams playing crap. Then we got a goal, grew in confidence, got another, played well for half an hour and then held on like grim death in the last quarter of an hour. They were the first team I have seen this year who are worse than us at our worst, and I am certain they will go down.We ain't going down, trust me. It wasn't a great display by any means but it was gutsy, it was for 90 minutes(well 94 actually when Macca hit the post) and the performance pales into insignificance against what was a GREAT result.

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Fair point Charles old boy!


And your right I arrived home just after we scored the first goal so I wouldn't have heard the improvement in performance. And YES it was a great result.


I certainly wouldn't knock Glenn Aitkins forum at all, its just I honestly do have a worry about these type of functions. At least its something different, but in my experience the real questions and answers session happen at the bar after the thing has finished!


As for people publishing under aliases, well its their choice. But if you have something to say, why hide? (King Carlos being a prime example as he is obviously someone well known to a few people on this site, but thinks he is being clever and mysterious..... Bit of an [****!!****] if you ask me!) By the way KC I'm the one who occasionally wears the "[****!!****]a" shirt if you wish to disagree in person!


I love the club and (most of) the people who come down week after week to follow a dream and drink large quantities of lager in the bar. I know of many positive and negative aspects of the way in which the club is run and I bloody well reserve the right to question anything I like as a result. All I ask in return is that the club treat the real fans with a bit of respect.

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King Carlos, Da11, Mister Carlos Sir why do you not give us your real name or do you not have the courage of your own convictions rather than just try to wind people up . Also have to say I was well impressed by your demonstration on Saturday very well attended

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To Andy Y:

Surely someone like KC should be welcomed to this site? I'm a new User to this Forum (got through from the GNFC website).

Someone who questions the ambitions of there club deserves debate in a proper manner. If you can't handle the fact that there are GNFC fans who are worried about the future of our club, rather then drink lager in the bar at half time with rose tinted specs, then clear off this site which I hope is reserved for intelligent debate.

As for alias's if people wish to maintain there privacy then thats there perogative. Swopping insults with your "real name" is reserved for Cyber Warriors. Or maybe we should all agree with your little clique of loyal GNFC supporters?

I don't agree with personal attacks on Ford but I maintain the right to question his strategies and tactics, grateful that I am for his help in getting our admitted limited side ito the Conf.

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And what would you do with KC's real name?

Isn't that the reason why people maintain privacy so as not to be abused by others??


Demos on Saturday?? I think thats a windup from KC.

However I have also see some salient points from KC.


Surely the inpotant thing is to discuss the negative and positive aspects of GNFC and look at ways of improving our position?

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James, Are you some kind of f***** moron or what? I thought I'd made it pretty obvious to anyone with even half a brain why I posted what I posted, I wanted to try and get a discussion going on what various people's opinions are on the present state of GNFC. The GNFC forum can be tediously slow at the best of times with regards to the volume of responses. Go on admit it your still the only person on here who still believed come Saturday that there would be any kind of protest? I'm p***ing my self laughing mate.


Some people have views about the fleet, and how it should be run without wanting their name plastered all over these forums. They still have the right as supporters to speak their minds and should be entitled to a little bit of anonymity at least, without the message board stasi harassing them for who they are and why there posting here. I can agree with not letting jokers post stupid messages from other clubs or wind-ups, but trying to interrogate genuine supporters with the clubs interest at heart, what's that about?


Like I said maybe a moderator can confirm that there are probably a large amount of people who view these forums and then choose not to post? Wonder why that is? Freedom of speech and all that!


What am I supposed to have done wrong anyway?


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Okay abuse was over the top, but I have had it of most posters since I came on here, even a moderator had a go in an earlier message.


What I'm objecting too is all this 'who are ya?' b*****s. What do people want my name and address or something?


Surely the reason for having amessage board is for people to voice their opinions whilst preserving their anonyminity and without being abused?


I'll meet whoever on here I couldn't care who or what you are, but let's leave personal details off here.



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I agree with kc in a way, there is definitely a condescending tone on this forum from certain people. It's almost as if there's a hierarchy, whereby those who have not made more than one hundred, or even one thousand posts, are not considered worthy of sharing an opinion that contradicts the views of the veterans. often I just don't bother, it's a shame to have to feel like that really.

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