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BTSA Members Fund Raising Quiz Night

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Friday 13th August, the first members fund raising event of the season will take place in the Clubhouse.


7.30pm for a 8.00pm start. Admission £4 for adults (£3 for members), £2 for under 16's (£1 for members)


Prizes to be won as well as the "inevitable" raffle.


There is no outlay for this event so all monies made will go towards buying shares in the club and contributing to projects (as agreed in last nights BTSA AGM). In previous events of this nature we have made over £300 on average (even reached the heady hieghts of over £600), so lets make an effort to beat those targets and show that we are a club that is very musc alive. The quiz is not just a general knowledge quiz, it features rounds which are fun and tests your knowledge on sport, TV, films, media and nostalgia as well as music (the intro's round is always a good 'un).


It's usually quite a lively evening and those who have taken part have certainly enjoyed it. For the price of admission and a few drinks, it will certainly be an "event" if previous quiz nights are to go on. Support this even and support your association and your club....


Admission is not just limited to members of the BTSA or Club supporters. Everyone is welcome, so tell your family and friends, get 'em down the club and lets have some fun!!!

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