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Trivial Pursuit

David Holden

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Martin said:
Well this is an interesting debate (tongue firmly wedged in cheek)

The site I found on the City of Truro says it claimed to have travelled at 103mph on a steep slope in 1904. The Guardian's website includes a story "All you need to know about the Flying Scotsman" which states that it was the first steam engine to break 100mph. Clearly a disputed issue which should be settled by a duel.

Pistols at dawn it is then.
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NTRSW, Jake is on loan with us at the moment and really is doing a tremondous job. I think we would like him for the season.


David, I think it is the fairest way to settle it.


Anyway to ease the tension, a new question:


Which animal at 188 decibels produces the largest sound known to man?

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The Order of the Illuminati.




In the natural world, the feline (cat) is said to have the SECOND most lethal (mammal) bite in the world caused by the bacteria carried in the mouth.


Which mammal has the MOST LETHAL.


(I stress mammal !)

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Sorry about the delay. Been busy !


YES AFF - You ARE correct. In theory, I could have given it to Tuffley, but I dont think BFR would really have approved !


Just think about AIDS and Hepatitis !


Your go, then AFF !

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Now you're on my wave-length. AFF


It was originally thought to be a reference to the amount of semen contained in a male ejaculation ! (watch this get deleted !)




The name was given to them after they were signed by Jonathon King, (currentley H.M.P., somewhere ? Or has he been released) who dreampt the name as of a group having a simultaneous hit in the US and GB.




On the same subject.


Godley & Creme and Co (10CC) opened a recording studio in my home town of Dorking. WHAT WAS ITS NAME


....and from which NORTHEN town in England did they move it ?


(Arr ! Memories of The Cricketeers Public House, almost next door to the studios. 10CC, Brian Ferry and even Sir George Martin, (a perfect gent !)

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Well done Martin ! Your go.


(The people I've had a drink with in the 'Cricks'. Have to say Sir George Martin was probably the nicest.)

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